FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 10/00 - EC (14 September)

EC (14 September)

In the EC, results of the cereal harvest so far continue to point to a larger output this year. FAO’s latest forecast of the Community’s aggregate cereal crop is 214.9 million tonnes which, although marginally down from that in the previous report, is nevertheless some 6 percent up from the 1999 output. Of this, wheat is forecast to account for 105.1 million tonnes, almost 8 percent above 1999. The bulk of the increase in wheat output is expected in Germany, the United Kingdom and Spain, although several other countries are also reported to be harvesting slightly larger crops this year. The quality of this year’s crop is expected to be quite variable reflecting the variable weather conditions throughout the region. The Community’s largest producer France is reported to have an above-normal proportion of low quality wheat, which will be suitable only for animal feed, but over all countries an average crop is expected. Production of all the main coarse grains is also expected to increase this year in the EC. Outputs of barley, oats and rye are forecast to increase by 6 percent, 10 percent and 5 percent respectively. Prospects for the maize harvest are also favourable and current indications point to a slightly larger crop of about 38 million tonnes this year. However, as the harvest is just starting in the main producing areas the final outcome will not be known for some time yet. The 2000 paddy harvest is getting underway in the EC. Drought conditions in the southern parts of Portugal and Spain at planting time are expected to have had some negative impact on yields. Total production is forecast to be slightly below last year’s estimated output of about 2.6 million tonnes.

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