FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 10/00 - HONDURAS (11 September)

HONDURAS (11 September)

Harvesting of the 2000/01 first season cereal and bean crops is underway. The country has been severely affected by an unusually long dry spell in July ("canícula") with consequent damage to the developing crops. Localized losses in the amount of 20 percent or more of anticipated grain production are reported in the southern parts of the Department of Lempira, as well as in the southern Departments of Choluteca and Valle, and the Department of Francisco Morazán in the center. By contrast, production of beans has been spared of the adverse effect of the drought. Production of maize, the main cereal, is tentatively forecast at about 500 000 tonnes, which compares to the last 5-year average of 590 000 tonnes. Paddy production is also expected to be low. Food assistance from the international community is being distributed to drought affected rural families as well as it continues to be delivered to hurricane "Mitch" affected population.

Wheat imports in marketing year 2000/01 (July/June) are forecast to increase slightly from the previous year's 205 000 tonnes to some 210 000 tonnes. Maize imports are also forecast to increase from 250 000 tonnes to some 280 000 tonnes to compensate for the losses in production. Rice imports in marketing year 2001 (January/Dece mber) are provisionally forecast at about 95 000 tonnes.

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