FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 10/00 - MEXICO (11 September)

MEXICO (11 September)

Land is being prepared for planting, from October, of the 2000/01 irrigated wheat crop in the northwest main growing areas. Generally dry weather prevails but water reservoir levels are considered adequate following normal rains in August and preceding weeks. Harvesting of the 2000 maize crop (spring/summer plantings), the main crop, is due to start from October. Recent light to moderate rains benefited the developing crops along the eastern growing belt, as well as in the important producing southeastern state of Chiapas. However, additional rain is needed particularly in the large producing southwestern areas of the country. Early production forecasts point out to a slightly above-average output, assuming normal rains resume during the rest of the growing period. In the north east, additional rain is needed for the spring sorghum crop, to be harvested from late October. A slightly above-average output is anticipated, provided normal rains also resume in these areas.

Wheat imports in marketing year 2000/01 (April/March) are expected to be about 2.5 million tonnes, which compares to the previous year's 2.7 millions. Maize imports (October/September) are provisionally forecast at about 4.8 million tonnes, closely similar to the year before.

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