FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 10/00 - SWAZILAND (10 September)

SWAZILAND (10 September)

Preliminary official forecasts indicate a 2000 maize output of 72 000 tonnes, a reduction of over one-third from the good level of the previous year. A late start of the rainy season resulted in a decline of 10 percent in the area planted and negatively affected yields of early-planted crops. Subsequently, excessive precipitation, which resulted in severe floods in November/December and February/March, further lowered yields.

As a result of this year's reduced maize harvest, import requirements in marketing year 2000/01 (May/April) have increased to 40 000 tonnes. In addition, the country has a structural deficit in wheat and rice, estimated at 46 000 tonnes. Most of the food deficit is expected to be covered commercially. Vulnerability assessments have identified some 14 000 people in need of emergency food aid until the next harvest in May 2001.

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