Harvest prospects are favourable in the south and the south-west and unfavourable in the centre, the east and the north. Below normal rainfall in August over the eastern half of the country affected crop development. Cumulative rainfall is below average except in the west and the south-west. Dry conditions significantly reduced yield potential. Therefore, below-average harvests are anticipated in the centre, the east and the north. However, with good crop prospects in the south and the south-east where growing conditions were favourable, average output is anticipated at national level.

Pastures remain generally adequate countrywide. No significant pest activity is reported.

A joint FAO/CILSS Crop Assessment Mission is scheduled from 9 to 14 October to estimate the 2000 cereal production.

Satellite Images (Cold Cloud Duration for the last three dekads)



Page with graphics of the evolution of Cold Cloud Duration average values over various zones of the country and compared to 1989-1995 average values.


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