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The author, Emygdio Cadima, now retired, was an FAO scientist in the Fisheries Department until 1974, when he returned to the Instituto de Investigação das Pescas e do Mar (IPIMAR) in Portugal, having also been a Professor at the University of Algarve until 1997. At the end of 1997 he was the lecturer of a course in Fish Stock Assessment in IPIMAR, which became the basis for the preparation of this manual, requested and supported by the Project FAO/DANIDA GCP/INT/575/DEN. This manual also incorporates notes from courses in Fish Stock Assessment held at several different venues in the world, mainly in Europe, Latin America and Africa. These courses had an active collaboration of fisheries scientists from all over the world, especially Portugal. These scientists are also co-responsible for the orientation, for the matters treated and particularly for the elaboration of the exercises.

This manual aims to present the basic knowledge on the problems and methods of fish stock assessment to young scientists, post-graduate students, and PhD students. This is a scientific area in permanent development, where the knowledge of fisheries biology is applied in order to make a rational and sustained exploitation of the fishing resources.

The "Manual of Fish Stock Assessment" is mainly concerned with the theoretical aspects of the most used models for fish stock assessment. The practical application (i.e. the exercises solved in a spreadsheet), is considered as a complementary part to help the understanding of the theoretical matters.

The editing of the manuscript was made by Siebren Venema, manager of Project GCP/INT/575/DEN and Ana Maria Caramelo, Fishery Resources Officer in the FAO Fisheries Department.


Fisheries Education Institutes
Marine Research Institutes
National and International Organizations
FAO Fisheries Department

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