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Opening of the Session

1) The 22nd Session of the Codex Coordinating Committee for Europe was held in Madrid from 3 to 6 October 2000 at the kind invitation of the Government of Spain. The Session was chaired by Dr. Felipe Mittelbrunn García, Coordinator for Europe, and attended by 78 Delegates and observers representing 22 Member countries, one Observer country and 7 international organizations. A complete list of participants is appended to the report as Appendix I.

2) The Session was opened by Ms. Maria Dolores Flores Cerdan, Director General of Public Health and Consumer Affairs, who welcomed participants and recalled the strong interest and support of the Spanish Government for Codex work. She highlighted the role of Codex standards and related texts as a reference in international trade and the increased interest and participation of member countries in its activities.

3) The Director referred to the high level of protection in Europe and stressed the need to ensure consumer confidence as related to food safety issues, and to develop efficient risk communication. In view of legitimate consumer concerns, it was particularly important to establish a common position in the European Region on major Codex issues affecting public health. The Director noted that the Agenda included several of these issues and wished delegates all success in their work.

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