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Proposed Draft Revised Regional Standard for Vinegar (Agenda Item 5)[6]

41) Following approval as new work by the 23rd session of the Commission[7], the Proposed Draft Revised Regional Standard for Vinegar was circulated in June 2000 for comments at Step 3 with the relevant updates on hygiene and additives provisions.

42) Following the debate on the Draft Standard on Mayonnaise, several delegations expressed the view that there was no longer a need to retain such a standard as a Regional Standard for Europe. These delegations recalled that two CEN[8] standards had been adopted in April 2000, one on “vinegar, products from liquids of agricultural origin (...)” and another on “acetic acid food quality, products from raw materials of non-agricultural origin (...)”[9].

43) The Committee recognized that both CEN standards were acceptable to Codex Member Countries in the European Region, that they adequately covered both product characteristics and consumer health protection aspects and could be used as a reference in regional trade. Consequently the Committee agreed that there was no need for a Regional Standard for Vinegar.

Status of the Proposed Draft Revised Regional Standard for Vinegar

44) The Committee agreed to propose to the Commission to discontinue work on the revision of the Regional Standard and to revoke the current Codex Regional Standard for Vinegar (CODEX STAN 162-1987) at its 24th Session.

[6] CL 2000/18-EURO; CX/EURO 00/5 (Comments from Germany and C.P.I.V.); CX/EURO 00/5 Add.1. (Comments from Spain and France) and CRD 2 (Comments from Portugal)
[7] ALINORM 99/37, para. 210, Appendix VIII
[8] CEN: European Standardisation Commission/Commission Européenne de Normalisation
[9] Standards EN 13188 and EN 13189

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