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Activities of Codex Contact Points and National Codex Committees in the Region (Agenda Item 8)

80) The Committee noted that document CX/EURO 00/13 had not been prepared since no specific information had been received from countries in the region for the present session. This item was regularly included in the Agenda to allow exchange of information on Codex work in the region and identify the needs for technical assistance from FAO and WHO in this area.

81) The Committee was informed that FAO had organized a Regional Workshop on Administration of National Codex Committees for selected CEE and CIS countries in Lithuania in June 1998. It also organized national workshops in Hungary, Romania and the Slovak Republic to promote Codex activities and to provide training on the role of Codex Contact Points. Information on Codex activities in the subregion, Codex structure and administration were presented at a Regional Training Workshop on Codex Alimentarius organized by the International Consumers Union in Warsaw in October 1999. In support of strengthening Codex activities within the subregion, the SEUR Home Page for Food and Nutrition had been updated to include additional information on the Codex schedule of meetings and links to the ESN Home Page in Headquarters, the Directory of Codex Contact Points and Codex Standards. The Committee was further informed that a Technical Cooperation Project on Strengthening the National Codex Committee (TCP/MOL/8921) was underway in Moldova to improve that country’s capabilities related to increased Codex participation.

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