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2. Opening remarks on behalf of the Government of Mexico were presented by Lic. Carmen Quintanilla Madero, Director General of Standards, Secretary of Commerce and Industrial Promotion. Lic Quintanilla acknowledged the importance of the production of fruits and vegetables to Mexico and in this regard, she praised the work of the Committee in the establishment of international standards aimed at the development of worldwide agricultural trade. Lic. Quintanilla stressed the importance of the issues addressed by the Committee and highlighted its role as a world reference body for the elaboration of standards with a view towards avoiding the negative consequences of technical barriers to international trade. Lic. Quintanilla wished the participants the greatest success in their deliberations as well as a pleasant and enjoyable stay in Mexico.

3. Mr. Augusto Simoes Lopes Neto, the FAO Representative in Mexico, addressed the Committee on behalf of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). He emphasized the international approach of Codex standards in the area of food standardization in that the World Trade Organization Agreements on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) and on Technical Barriers to Trade called for the use of international standards, and specifically Codex standards, under the SPS.

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