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3. The Expert Consultation was opened by Mr Ichiro Nomura, the Assistant Director General of Fisheries. In welcoming the participants Mr Nomura described the origins of the Consultation emphasising that the world fishery community at large is concerned about the appropriateness of the economic incentives facing world fisheries. Therefore there is a widespread concern about subsidies. He then drew the attention of the experts to the fact that while there seems to be no universal agreement about what is and what is not a subsidy, there is agreement that we have little empirical knowledge of the effects of subsidies - however understood - on trade and resource sustainability. He asked the experts first to try and reach an agreement on an operational definition of subsidies, and then to identify activities that would make it possible for the world’s fisheries community to learn more about the effects of subsidies in a practical and affordable manner. Mr Nomura’s opening statement is attached as Appendix D.

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