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The FAO Expert Consultation on Economic Incentives and Responsible Fisheries met at FAO Headquarters for four days starting 28 November 2000. The Consultation defined four sets of subsidies and recommended that these ‘Sets of Subsidies’ be referred to in future discussions and analysis of subsidies. The experts concluded that empirical knowledge of impact is very weak. This is true both in respect of impact on trade and in respect of impact on fishery resources. The Consultation identified priorities for further research about the impacts of subsidies. In respect of impact on fishery resources priority for future study was given for the following categories: ‘capital expansion’, ‘tax waivers and deferrals’, and ‘price support’. With respect to impact on trade, the experts assigned priorities to future study of actions that ‘reduce the relative price of inputs’, ‘reduce fishing effort’ and to ‘management and regulatory actions’. The experts also discussed the methods that would be best suited to carry out these studies.

ISBN 92-5-104538-0
ISSN 0429-9337

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