Woody biomass as an energy source - challenges in Europe

25-28 September 2000
Joensuu, Finland

This seminar was organized by the European Forest Institute, the University of Joensuu (Faculty of Forestry), IEA Bioenergy, COST E21 and the Silva Network. More than 100 participants attended, mainly from European countries and the Russian Federation.

Mr Miguel A. Trossero of FAO's Wood Energy Programme presented a paper on "The current wood energy use in Europe", which describes the production and consumption of woodfuels (charcoal, black liquor, fuelwood) in different European countries. The existing information and data available show that the bioenergy share is increasing in several European countries, especially the Nordic ones (Sweden, Finland and Denmark) and France (where biodiesel use is increasing rapidly), as result of new environmental measures and energy policies. However, the full potential of bioenergy is not yet being utilized in the region.

Mr Trossero concluded his presentation with a brief description of the limitations imposed by the terminology currently used and the amount of information available on bioenergy aspects, which impedes the proper development of bioenergy.

For more information, please contact:
Mrs Brita Pajari, Conference Manager, European Forest Institute, Torikatu 34m FIN-80100 Joensuu, Finland.

E-mail: [email protected] ;



China Energy and Western Regional Economic Development

Beijing, China
12-13 October 2000

This major international conference was organized by the State Development Planning Commission in association with The Royal Institute of International Affairs and China International Engineering Consulting Corporation - Overseas Consulting Co. Ltd.

For more information, please contact:
Ms Georgina Wright, The Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House, 10 St James's Square, London SW1Y 4LE, UK.

Fax: +44 20 7321 2045;

e-mail: [email protected]

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Sixth Session of the Conference of the Parties of the Convention (COP 6)

The Hague, the Netherlands.
13-24 November 2000

FAO participated in COP 6 as an observer organization along with other United Nations bodies, specialized agencies and related organizations, accredited intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations. An exhibit stand was set up in order to disseminate information on FAO's activities in relation to climate change and variability.

For more information, please contact:
Secretary of the Conference of the Parties, UNFCCC, PO Box 160 124, D-53153 Bonn, Germany.

Fax: +49 228 815 1999;

e-mail: [email protected];

; or

2nd Annual Renewable Energy Finance Forum

London, UK
4-5 December 2000

This international conference is dedicated to exploring financial solutions for the renewable energy industry. Discussions will focus on the economic potential for the renewable industries in today's energy mix, as well as the financial strategies and investment opportunities that this vital energy sector now presents.

For more information, please contact:
Mr Gerard Strahan, Managing Director, Euromoney Energy Events, Euromoney Institutional Investor Plc., Nestor House, Playhouse Yard, London, EC4V 5EX, UK.

Fax: +44 20 7779 8946;

e-mail: [email protected]

What energy options for Europe in 2020?

Brussels, Belgium
4-5 December 2000

The conference is being organized by the Europe Information Service (EIS) with the support of the European Commission (Directorate General for Transport and Energy) and will debate the new European Commission Green Paper.

For more information, please contact:
Europe Information Service, Avenue Adolphe Lacomblé 66-68, B-1030 Brussels, Belgium.

Fax: +32 2 7326757;

e-mail: [email protected];


Fifth Biomass Conference of the Americas

Orlando, Florida, USA
20-23 August 2001

The theme of this international conference, which is being organized by the United States Department of Energy, the United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Canada and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, will be bioenergy and bio-based products: technologies, markets and policies to accelerate research, development and use.

Papers will be presented on:

· integrated biomass research, development and use through bioenergy and bio-based products;

· advances in biomass production research, development and demonstration;

· progress in development and implementation of technologies for biomass conversion to bioenergy and bio-based products

· lessons learned from implementing bioenergy and bio-based product systems and technologies;

· projects to foster accelerated deployment of bio-based systems;

· government programmes and other efforts (throughout the world) to boost the role of biomass, bio-based products and bioenergy in indigenous energy supplies and in rural and industrial development;

· life cycle and other environmental benefits and issues surrounding biomass use for fuels, power, chemicals and materials;

· opportunities for integration of bioenergy and bio-based systems;

· efforts and opportunities to foster biomass businesses through "match making" opportunities between industry, financing institutions, government, academia, and non-governmental organizations;

· biomass as a sustainable source of energy and products in concert with food, feed and fibre; and

· assessment and mitigation of business, regulatory, infrastructure and financial barriers to widespread biomass use.

For more information, please contact:
Fifth Biomass Conference of the Americas, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Attention Dee Scheaffer, 1617 Cole Boulevard, MS-1613, Golden, Colorado, USA 80401-3393.

Fax: +1 303 275 2905;


World Renewable Energy Congress - VII

Cologne, Germany
29 June - 5 July 2002

For more information, please contact:

Prof. A. Sayigh, Congress Chairman, 147 Hilmanton, Lower Earley, Reading RG6 4HN, UK.

Fax: +44 11896 11365;

e-mail: [email protected]

Indoor Air 2002 - 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate

Monterey, California, USA
30 June - 5 July 2002

The call for abstracts will be issued in the spring of 2001 and will be due in the later part of that year.

For more information, please contact:
Mr Hal Levin, President, Indoor Air 2002, 323 Soquel Ave. PMB 312, Santa Cruz, CA 95062, USA.

Fax: +1 831 426 6522;


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