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4 See also specific references on biotechnologies and forestry, Annex 4, Box 5

5 Copies of FAO documents available from the author; and can generally be accessed at Documents available on the FAO Forest Genetic Resources Homepage are marked (*):

Batisse, M. (1986). Developing and focusing the Biosphere Reserve concept. Nature and Resources 22(3):1-2.

Bazuin, T.O.M. (2000). Efforts in the conservation and sustainable use of forest genetic resources in the Near East. Forest Genetic Resources No.28. FAO, Rome.(In press).

Boffa, J.-M., Petri, L. and Neves do Amaral, W. (2000). In situ conservation, genetic management and sustainable use of tropical forests: IPGRI’s research agenda. Sub-Plenary Session A3. XXI IUFRO World Congress, 7-12 August 2000. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 11pp.

Brouard, J.S. and John, S.E.T. (1995). The SADC Tree Seed Centre Network. Forest Genetic Resources No.23. pp.27-31. FAO, Rome*.

CIFOR (1999). Biodiversity Conservation in Managed Forests. Based on the work of Robert C. Szaro (IUFRO/SPDC), Jeffrey A. Sayer, Douglas Sheil, Laura Snook, Andy Gillison (CIFOR), with contributions from, Grahame Applegate, John Poulsen, and Robert Nasi (CIFOR). CIFOR, Bogor (Indonesia). 56 pp.

CIFOR (2000). Biodiversity and managed forests (BIO). In: CIFOR Medium Term Plan. CIFOR Bogor, Indonesia. 3pp.

Dvorak, W.S., Donahue, J.K. and Hodge, G.R. (1996). Fifteen years of ex situ gene conservation of Mexican and Central American forest species by the CAMCORE cooperative. Forest Genetic Resources No.24. pp.15-21. FAO, Rome.*

Dvorak, W.S. (1999). Recent activities of the CAMCORE cooperative. Forest Genetic Resources No.27. pp.73-74. FAO, Rome.*

Eriksson, G., Namkoong, G., and Roberds, J.H. (1993). Dynamic gene conservation for uncertain futures. Forest Ecology and Management 62: 15-37.

FAO (1989). Plant genetic resources: their conservation in situ for human use. FAO/Unesco/UNEP/IUCN. FAO, Rome. 38pp.

FAO (1993a). Conservation of genetic resources in tropical forest management: principles and concepts. FAO Forestry Paper 107. Based on the work of R.H. Kemp, with scientific review by G. Namkoong and F. Wadsworth. FAO, Rome. 105pp.

FAO (1993b). Ex situ storage of seeds, pollen, and in vitro cultures of perennial woody species. Forestry Paper 113. FAO, Rome.

FAO (1994). Biotechnology in forest tree improvement. Forestry Paper 118. FAO, Rome.

FAO (1995). LEUCNET News- short communication. Forest Genetic Resources No.23, p.25. FAO, Rome*.

FAO (1996a). TEAKNET. Forest Genetic Resources No.24. p.63. FAO, Rome.*

FAO (1996b). SPRIG - South Pacific Regional Initiative on Forest Genetic Resources. Forest Genetic Resources No.24. p.12. FAO, Rome.*

FAO (1996c). The Fourth International Technical Conference on Plant Genetic Resources and Follow-up activities on forest genetic resources. Forest Genetic Resources No.24. pp.40-42. FAO, Rome.*

FAO (1997a). Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Forest Genetic Resources. COFO-97/5. 13th session of the Committee on Forestry. Rome 10-13 March 1997. FAO, Rome.

FAO (1997b). Report on the Tenth Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources. FAO/FGR/Rep.10. FAO, Rome. 68pp.*

FAO (1997c). Genetic resources of Swietenia and Cedrela in the Neotropics: proposals for coordinated action. FAO, Rome. 58pp.*

FAO (1997d). Workshop of the International Neem Network. Forest Genetic Resources No.25. pp.60-62. FAO, Rome.*

FAO (1998a). Activities of the International Neem Network. Forest Genetic Resources No.26. p.30. FAO, Rome.*

FAO (1998b). The conservation and sustainable utilization of mahogany genetic resources. Forest Genetic Resources No.26. pp.49-50. FAO, Rome.*

FAO (1999a). FAO Regular Programme activities in forest gene resources. Secretariat Note, 11th Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources. Document FORGEN/99/4A. Forest Resources Division. FAO, Rome. 10pp.*

FAO (1999b). Progress towards the development of Regional Action Plans on Forest Genetic Resources. Secretariat Note, 11th Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources. Document FORGEN/99/5. Forest Resources Division. FAO, Rome. 9pp.*

FAO (1999c). FAO/IPGRI/ICRAF Workshop on the conservation, management, sustainable utilization and enhancement of forest genetic resources in dry-zone sub-Saharan Africa. Secretariat Note, 11th Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources. Document FORGEN/99/6. Forest Resources Division. FAO, Rome. 4pp.*

FAO (1999d). Pacific sub-regional workshop on forest and tree genetic resources. Secretariat Note, 11th Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources. Document FORGEN/99/7. Forest Resources Division, FAO. Rome. 5pp.*

FAO (1999e). Information activities. Secretariat Note, 11th Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources. Document FORGEN/99/8. Forest Resources Division. FAO, Rome. 6pp.*

FAO (1999f). Report on the 116th Session of the FAO Council. Rome 14-29 June 1999.

FAO (1999g). Pacific sub-Regional workshop on forest genetic resources. Forest Genetic Resources No.27. pp.11-15. FAO, Rome.*

FAO (1999h). State of the World’s Forests 1999. FAO, Rome. 153pp.

FAO (1999i). Strategic Framework for FAO 2001-2015. FAO, Rome.

FAO (1999j). FAO Strategic Plan for Forestry. Leaflet. FAO, Rome. 12pp.

FAO (1999k). Eleventh Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources: brief note of outcome of the Session. Forest Genetic Resources No.27. pp.49-50. FAO, Rome.*

FAO (2000a). State of forest genetic resources in Sahelian and North-Sudanian Africa and sub-regional action plan. Forest Resources Division, FAO, Rome. (In press).

FAO (2000b). Pacific sub-regional Action Plan for conservation, management and sustainable use of forest tree genetic resources. Secretariat of the Pacific Commission and Forest Resources Division, FAO, Rome. (in press).

FAO (2000c). Report on the Eleventh Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources. FAO/FGR/Rep.11. FAO, Rome. (In press)

Graudal, L. (1995). Progress in the evaluation of field trials established within the framework of the FAO project on genetic resources of arid and semi-arid zone arboreal species. Forest Genetic Resourcs No.25. pp.56-57.*

Haines, R.J. and Martin, B.E. (1998). Biotechnology and the sustainable production of tropical timber. Forest Genetic Resources No 25. pp.52-58. FAO, Rome.*

Hald, S. (2000). Progress in the development of the FAO world-wide information system on forest genetic resources, REFORGEN. Forest Genetic Resources No.28. (In press).

Hansen, C.P., Thomsen, A. and Souvannavong, O. (1996). Recent activities of the International Neem Network. Forest Genetic Resources No.24. pp.33-39. FAO, Rome.*

Hansen, C.P. (1996). The FAO world-wide information system on forest genetic resources: REFORGEN. Forest Genetic Resources No.24. pp.64-68. FAO, Rome.*

Hunter, I. (2000). Introduction to the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan, INBAR. XXI IUFRO World Congress, 7-12 August 2000. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

ICRAF (1999). Proceedings of the Fifth Meeting of the Advisory Committee to ICRAF on Genetic Resources Activities. International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, Nairobi, 2-5 February 1999. 29pp.

ICRAF (2000). Strategy for the Tree Domestication Programme (2001-2010). ICRAF, Nairobi (Kenya). 8pp.

ICRTS (1998). Report of Activities 1996-97. International Centre for Research and Training on Seabuckthorn. Beijing, China.

IPGRI (2000a). Forest Genetic Resources: IPGRI’s stategic action plan. IPGRI, Rome. 9pp.

IPGRI (2000b). Forest Genetic Resources - Research Highlights. Issue year 2000, pp.10-12. IPGRI, Rome. (In press).

ITTO (1993). ITTO Guidelines on the conservation of biological diversity in tropical production forests. ITTO Policy Development Series No.5. ITTO Yokohama, Japan. 18pp.

IUFRO (1999). Report of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations. 11th Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources, Rome 29 September - 1 October 1999. IUFRO, Vienna. (Unpublished).

Kemp, R.H. (1992). The conservation of genetic resources in managed tropical forests. Unasylva 43 (169):34-40.

Kemp, R.H. and Palmberg-Lerche, C. (1994). Conserving genetic resources in forest ecosystems. In: The Challenge of Sustainable Forest Management. FAO Forestry Paper 122. pp. 101-117. FAO, Rome.

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Namkoong, G. (2000). Decision making strategies for conservation and use of forest genetic resources. Paper presented at SAT 21: International Conference on Science and Technology for Managing Plant Genetic Diversity in the 21st Century. Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia (PORIM) and IPGRI, Rome. 16pp.

Namkoong, G. and Koshy, M.P.(2000). Decision making in gene conservation. Forest Genetic Resources No.28. FAO, Rome.(In press).

Ouédraogo, A.S. (1995). Genetic variation, conservation and use of Parkia biglobosa in Western Africa: Summary of Thesis. Forest Genetic Resources No.23:41-43,*

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Palmberg-Lerche, C. (1994). International programmes for the conservation of forest genetic resources. In: R.M. Drysdale, E.E.T. John & A.C. Yap (Eds) Proc. International Symposium on Genetic Conservation and Production of Tropical Forest Seed. Chiang Mai, Thailand 14-16 June 1993, organized by the ASEAN/Canada Forest Tree Seed Centre, in collaboration with the Thai Government, FAO, The Forestry and Fuelwood Research and Development Project (F/FRED) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC). ASEAN-Canada Forest Seed Centre, Muak-Lek, Saraburi (Thailand), pp.78-101.

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Palmberg-Lerche, C. (1998). Management of forest genetic resources: some thoughts on options and opportunities. Forest Genetic Resources Information No. 26, pp. 45-46. FAO, Rome.*

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Santos, M. de Miranda and Lewontin, R.C. (1997). Genetics, plant breeding and patents: conceptual contractictions and practical problems in protecting biological innovations. IPGRI Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter No.112:1-8. IPGRI, Rome.

Shumba, E.M. and Mwale, P.E.S. (1999). The SADC Seed Centres’ Network: a strategic partner in Eastern and Southern Africa. Forest Genetic Resources No.27. pp.51-54. FAO, Rome.*

Sigaud, P. and Luhanga, J. (2000). Report on the SADC Regional Workshop on Forest and Tree Genetic Resources. Arusha, Tanzania 5-9 June 2000. FAO/IPGRI/ICRAF and the Southern African Development Community-Forestry Sector Technical coordination Unit. Forest Genetic Resources No.28. FAO, Rome. (In press).

Sigaud, P., Hald, S., Dawson, I.and Ouédraogo, A.S. (1998). FAO/IPGRI/ICRAF Workshop on the conservation, mangement, sustainable utilization and enhancement of forest genetic resources in dry-zone sub-Saharan Africa. Forest Genetic Resources No.26. pp.9-12. FAO, Rome.*

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Thomson, L. (1998). SPRIG: South Pacific Regional Initiative on Forest Genetic Resources. Forest Genetic Resources No.26. pp.55-58. FAO, Rome.*

Thomson, L. (2000). South Pacific Regional Initiative on Forest Genetic Resources (SPRIG). Phase 2. Forest Genetic Resources No.28. FAO, Rome. (In press).

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