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The summary and conclusions of the 23rd Session of the Codex Committee on Methods of Analysis and Sampling are as follows:

Matters for consideration by the Commission:

The Committee:

- agreed to propose amendments to the Procedural Manual on General Criteria for the Selection of Methods of Analysis Using the Criteria Approach and Relations between Commodity Committees and General Committees - Methods of Analysis and Sampling (para. 41, Appendix II - Part 1) and the inclusion of Guidelines and Working Instructions to Aid the Implementation of the Criteria Approach to the Selection of Methods of Analysis for Codex Purposes (para. 33, Appendix II - Part 2);

- agreed to propose that the Commission adopt by reference for Codex purposes the

Harmonized IUPAC Guidelines for the Use of Recovery Information on Analytical Measurement with an amendment to Recommendation 1. (para. 46, Appendix III);

- agreed to propose two methods for contaminants and five methods for the detection of irradiated foods for adoption as general Codex methods (paras. 86 and 106, Appendix IV

- Part III);

- endorsed a number of methods of analysis and sampling in commodity standards at different steps of the Procedure (paras. 89-99, Appendix IV - Part I and II);

- agreed to initiate new work on Proposed Draft Guidelines on Measurement Uncertainty (para. 63, Appendix V) and on Proposed Draft Guidelines for the Selection of Methods of Analysis directed to governments (para. 34)

Other Matters of Interest to the Commission

The Committee:

- agreed to return the Proposed Draft Guidelines on Sampling to Step 3 for redrafting, circulation and consideration by the next session (para. 24)

- agreed that it should have a general coordinating role as regards the development of methods of analysis for foods derived from biotechnology (para. 12)

- agreed to consider further at its next session the following questions: single-laboratory validation and validation through the use of results from proficiency testing schemes (para. 84) and the relationship between the analytical result, the measurement uncertainty, recovery factors and the specifications in Codex standards (paras. 20 and 64).

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