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Sampling Plan for Aflatoxins in Peanuts

4) The Committee recalled that the 23rd Session of the Commission had adopted the maximum level of 15µg/kg for total aflatoxins in peanuts for further processing and adopted the corresponding sampling plan on an interim basis, with the understanding that proposals for revision would be further considered by the Committee on Additives and Contaminants (CCFAC) and the CCMAS. The Proposed Draft Revised Sampling Plan was circulated for comments at Step 3 in the framework of the CCFAC[2] and forwarded to the CCMAS for consideration.

5) The Observer from the EC informed the Committee that the EC supported the provisions of the revised sampling plan for total aflatoxins in peanuts for further processing.

6) The Delegation of India proposed to amend sections A. Definitions, B. Sampling and C. Sample Preparation in order to reflect that the aggregate sample should be divided into two sub-samples (10 kg each) to be separately homogenized; the sub-samples would be analysed and the acceptance of the lot would be decided by the average of the results of the two final samples.

7) The Delegation of the United States pointed out that the first amendment proposed by the Delegation of India was already covered in section A. Definition - Test Portion indicating that the aggregate sample could be divided into equal size samples. The Delegation also proposed to replace the Horwitz equation with its simplified version in the current text.

8) The Committee agreed that in section C. Sample Preparation, the reference to “All the material received by the laboratory” should be replaced with “All laboratory sample obtained from aggregate sample”, as proposed by the Delegation of India for clarification purposes.

9) The Committee was of view that the other amendments proposed by the Delegation of India might entail further changes to the sampling and analysis provisions for aflatoxins, and that the document should remain unchanged. The Committee noted that since the Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants had the main responsibility for the development of the revised sampling plan, and it had not yet been sent for endorsement to the CCMAS, there was no need to discuss the text in detail at this stage. The Committee agreed that no further change should be made and noted that the Delegation of India and interested delegations had the opportunity to provide their comments directly to the CCFAC.


10) The Committee recalled that the Committee on Food Labelling, while discussing the labelling provisions for foods derived from biotechnology, had asked the CCMAS to consider the methods of analysis for such foods. The first Session of the Ad hoc Intergovernmental Task Force on Foods Derived from Biotechnology had also agreed to initiate work on the methods and to ask for proposals in this area through CL 2000/29-FBT/MAS. The Committee noted that the document prepared for the Task Force (CX/FBT 01/8) had been available too late to allow for specific discussion of the methods proposed therein at the present session.

11) Several delegations supported the establishment of methods for foods derived from biotechnology in the CCMAS. The Delegation of the United Kingdom, supported by other delegations, pointed out that, under its terms of reference, the Committee had the possibility to examine specific analysis and sampling questions referred by other committees, when general guidance was required in areas of concern for all Codex committees. Some delegations and observers stressed the need to take into account the work of relevant international organizations, and to ask the Inter Agency Meeting (IAM) to encourage its members to initiate work on methodology in relevant areas even when no specific Codex provisions existed. The Secretariat indicated that international organizations received all Codex working documents and had the opportunity to submit proposals and relevant information in the framework of commodity Committees and general committees, in addition to CCMAS.

12) The Committee agreed that it should exercise a general coordinating role as regards methods for the detection or identification of foods derived from biotechnology and that it was ready to consider the proposals made by the Task Force at its next session, and the proposals which might originate from other Codex Committees in the future. The Committee also agreed that the work of relevant international organizations would be taken into account in the process and invited them to provide relevant information in this area.


13) The Committee noted that the CCFAC had considered a discussion paper on dioxins at its last session and asked the CCMAS to provide information on methods of analysis for dioxins.

14) It was also noted that there was no level for dioxins in foods under consideration in the CCFAC, and that dioxins had not yet been evaluated by JECFA. The Committee was also informed that the methods of analysis for feeds, including the determination of contaminants, would be considered by the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Task Force on Animal Feeding on the basis of the information provided by governments and international organizations[3]. Some delegations expressed the view that although there were no limits in Codex for dioxins, it would be useful to consider the selection of appropriate methods in the Committee, taking into account the work underway in different international organizations.

15) Several delegations and observers informed the Committee about ongoing work on the analysis and sampling for dioxins in food and feed. The Committee agreed that the Delegation of Germany would collect information on methodology for the determination of dioxins, and invited interested delegations to provide the Delegation with relevant information, in order to prepare a paper for consideration by the next session.

[1] CX/MAS 01/2
[2] CX/FAC 01/21
[3] CX/AF 01/3

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