
About use of GIS technologies in monitoring wood ecosystems of Eastern Siberia.

Rozhkov J.Ph. 1


In 1999-2002 гг. In Olyekminsky reserve the works on creation GIS were carried out. At the first stage the topographical basis GIS , realized in two program environments based various models of cartographical representation - ArcView (vector model) and IDRISI (rastr model) was made. In 2001 the thematic layers of vegetation, cards landscape, soils and geology of reserve are created. The performance of this task has become possible due to presence in reserve of maps, made in the beginning of the 90-th years on a paper basis.

Similar minimal set of thematic layers: a hydrology, relief, vegetation, geology allow the employees of reserve to decide all variety of tasks under the analysis of long-term numbers of the data saved on the program of background monitoring in reserve for all period of supervision with 1985 on 2002 yy.

With the help of GIS it is possible to look after not only spatial heterogeneity of distribution of plants, animal, but also to determine, how the ways of seasonal migration of animals in time change, of distribution of plants and animals. It is reached by imposing the layers created for each chosen interval of time against each other. At such "step-by-step" representation of results change of the spatial characteristics of object for this or that interval of time evidently is visible. The size " of a temporary step " gets out by researcher.

At last, with help GIS of technologies it is possible to unit and systematize all kinds of the information which is saved up in reserve at realization of the program of background ecological monitoring: databases, texts, photos, figures, video and sound files. GIS is an information nucleus at realization of ecological monitoring in territory of reserve and base model at inventory adjoining to reserve of territories.


The state natural reserve "Olyekminsky", the first reserve in Yakutia, is located in a zone brightly coniferous woods (taiga) and was open in 1984. It functions as station of background ecological monitoring wood ecosystems in huge region of Eastern Siberia. The reserve occupies the area more than 840 thousand hectares on border of three geological formations: Prilenskoje plateau, Stanovoi range and Amginsky ridge. The similar boundary arrangement of reserve creates a significant variety of landscapes and a biodiversity of flora and fauna, in comparison with other woods of region. It enables to consider territory of reserve as the standard of the not broken woods of Southern and Southwest Yakutia.

Constant supervision over a condition of vegetative and animal communities, phenological, meteorological supervision are conducted. Inventory of flora and fauna of reserve is carried out, long-term numbers of supervision on a paper basis in a special card file are saved up. Since 1999 there was a problem of an effective utilization of the saved up data at the decision of various theoretical and practical problems. Various information bases for ordering the data were used: Paradox, Access, Foxpro, geographical information systems (GIS), comparison of their efficiency is carried out. Advantage of use of geoinformation systems was proved at ordering long-term numbers of the data. GIS are that information nucleus which allows to unit all types of the information on object of research to show its spatial and time heterogeneity.

Results and discussion.

Work on creation GIS for reserve "Olyekminsky" is begun in 1999 and passes stage by stage. At the first stage the digital topographical basis GIS realized in two program environments, basing on various models of cartographical representation - ArcView (vector model) and Idrisi (raster model) was created.

In 2000-2001 the general thematic layers of vegetation, landscapes, geology and damages of woods from fires were created. Performance of this problem became possible due to presence in reserve of maps: landscape, vegetation, soils, geological, 90th years made in the beginning on a paper basis on the basis of long-term geobotanical researches and Saburova D.N.'s (Saint Petersburg) expeditions.

Similar minimal set of thematic layers: the hydrology, a relief, vegetation, geology allows employees of reserve to solve all variety of problems under the analysis of long-term numbers of the data which have been saved up under the program of background monitoring in reserve for all period of supervision with 1985 on 2002.

Software package ArcView enables integration of the databases created for plants, animal, soils etc. with GIS. Any card of initial supervision if it has an exact description of coordinates, can be submitted as a point on GIS thematic layer and simultaneously as record in the table of a database. It can be: results of " accounts of traces of animals ", " aviation accounts large mammal and birds ", results of geobotanical, soil, hydrochemical, geochemical, hydrobiological descriptions, cards of gathering from a herbarium etc. Now are created thematic layers on rare plants of reserve, including on the plants brought in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. Work will be continued and by other kinds of plants collected and stored in herbariums of reserve. And it more than 4000 sheets of a herbarium of the vascular plants, gathering of mosses and lichens. Drawing of coordinates of gathering of various kinds on thematic layers has allowed to specify areas of their distribution to establish connection with the basic types soils, spreading rocks. Besides with the help of the tool " hot connection" programs ArcView can be connected with the chosen point on a thematic layer any information: video, a photo, sound, text, devoted to the given object of research.

At last, with help GIS it is possible to look after not only spatial heterogeneity of distribution of plants, animal but also to determine, how areas of distribution of plants and animals, ways of a seasonal migration of animals to time change. It is reached by imposing the layers created for each chosen interval of time against each other. At such "step-by-step" representation of results change of spatial characteristics of object for this or that time interval is evidently visible.

Since 2001 with the help of receiver GPS we precisely have started to register coordinates of the researcher on district, places of a meeting of animals and gathering of plants for herbariums, the opportunity of exact spatial binding of separate key characteristics of natural complexes of reserve has appeared.

Since 2001 with use of the module of program ArcView Image Analist work with the space pictures of high sanction Landsat covering practically all territory of reserve is begun. The objective reasons of transition from digital topographical maps to space pictures of the high sanction were the following:

First, impossibility to present a modern picture of landscapes, a microrelief and a hydronetwork, basing only on results of topographical shooting. Topographical shooting for these maps (scale 1 : 200 000) was made in middle of 70th years of 20-th century and does not reflect a modern picture. Realization of repeated topographical shooting in the near future is not planned. For thirty years there were significant changes both in landscapes of reserve, and in a relief, a hydrological network. In space pictures 1999 and 2001 modern changes of a vegetative cover and landscapes of reserve are submitted.

Second, at creation of paper maps of vegetation, landscapes, a relief in the beginning of 90th years, alongside with results of routing geobotanical descriptions black-and-white space pictures of the high sanction which do not reflect all variety of vegetative communities of reserve were used. And only the combination of results of topographical shooting of 70th years, geobotanical descriptions and black-and-white pictures of the beginning of 90th years, modern descriptions and color space pictures will allow to come nearer to the description of a modern condition of a vegetative cover of reserve to reveal tendencies of its change in time. And as more than 80 percents of territory of reserve are covered with woods the major problems as theoretical and practical are solved at once some:

Such work at us is begun in 2001. For this time in area of scientific station Djikimda during routing inspection it is made more than 20 complex descriptions of key points with exact their binding to space pictures.

The program of the complex description of key points included definition such as a site, positions in a relief, definitions such as a wood. Thus such features as interest of the open water, the bared ground, open stones were marked, rocks etc. At the geobotanical description the projective covering, an abundance, accommodation in space of kinds of each circle was determined. For a forest stand the type of a horizontal density, character of renewal, on an example of separate modelling trees speed of a gain on years was in addition taken into account, traces of cabins and fires, modern anthropogenous influence in radius of 100 m were marked. Fallen and dead trees were separately in detail described.

After application of methods field deciphering space pictures of woods on modelling sites of Olekminsky reserve the following connections between optical characteristics of space pictures and dominant types of a wood were established:

In the near future we plan to finish inventory of all woods of reserve under optical characteristics of pictures from space and to geobotanical descriptions.

After the ending of this stage of researches of woods of reserve there is actual its role as the standard, models for realization of inventory of all woods in region, adjoining to reserve on space pictures. Thus the significant economy of means is reached. By extrapolation of results deciphering space pictures of woods of reserve, it will be possible to draw a conclusion on a condition of woods on adjoining to reserve territories only on their space pictures. Without realization of toilful ground researches.


Thus, with help of GIS technologies it is possible to unit and systematize all kinds of the information which is saved up in reserve at realization of the program of background ecological monitoring: databases, texts, photos, figures, video and sound files. GIS is an information nucleus at realization of ecological monitoring in territory of reserve and base model at inventory adjoining to reserve of territories.

1 The state natural reserve "Olyekminsky"
# 19, Logovaya street , Town Olyekminsk, Republic Sakha (Yakutia)
Russia, 678100
tel./ fax (7-41138) 2-33-41
e-mail: [email protected]