
Effect of fertilizer treatments en Taxodium distichum seedlings grown in alkali soil

Prof. Dr. Ahmed El-Dayem 1


This study was carried out at the Experimental Horticultural Area, Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University in the two successive sequenced seasons (1997-1.998) and (1 998-I 999). The objectives of this study was to achieve healthy Taxodium distichum seedlings could be tolerate the different stresses and accelerate the growth rate, which relatively slow in the first stage of tree life under Egyptian condition, A nine fertilizer formula (NPK) were applied namely. (13-10-15), (20-10-15), (25-10- 15), (15-15-15), (20-15-15), (25-15-15), (15-15-10), (20-15-10) and (25-15-10 addition to the control treatment). Three rates of (3, 6 and 9 girt) of each formula were added monthly for 18 months to Taxodium distichum seedlings grown in alkali soil (p11 9.2) to achieve the optimal rate from each formula and the best one. The results indicated that, formula of (25-15-15) the higher rate (9 gm) significantly increased stern length and diameter, lateral shoots number, above and below-ground biomass as compared to the control treatment or the other investigated formula at any rates and the interaction between them. The previous treatment also, was effective in increasing leaves pigments i.e. total chlorophyll and carotenoides content, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium and stem carbohydrate percentage.


The wrong use of irrigation water caused an increase in water table, and because of the highly evaporation rate under Egyptian environmental condition saline soil must be appeared especially in case of the worst field drainage condition in the low lands. Increasing degradation of saline soil it converted it to alkali one, thus alkali soil appear in some locations either in the irrigated lands or in the new reclaimed lands (in the low sites). This kind of soil suffers form shortage in essential nutrient elements, which were very important for growth of different plants. When the soil essential elements of different plant nutrient and economic production are low in availability or not in balance, chemical fertilization and soil amendments are required (Fallett et al, (1981).

One way for the forest industry to meet the demands of increasing production would be through the use of fertilizer (Neilsen and Lynch, 1998)

Nursery grown seedlings often exhibit nutrient deficiency soon after planting because slow regeneration and extension of the root system restricts exploitation and absorption of soil nutrients for most of the growing season (Burdett el al. 1984, Van den Driessche 1985, Burdett 1990); hence, growth accruing after planting is highly dependent on internal reserves for nutrient requirements. The ability of plants to accumulate nutrient reserves for subsequent and reutilization (is the rationale for nutrient loading forest-planting stock during nursery culture (Chapin, 1990). The aim of seedling nutrient in the nursery by applying large amounts of fertilizer (Timmer and Munson 1991). High nutrient reserves in the seedlings at the end of the nursery rotation resulted in increasing biomass production (40-190%), in Picea glauca seedlings, after planting which was related to the ability of the seedlings to retranslocate internal reserves for new growth, despite little or no net uptake o nutrients during the first season after planting (Mc Alister and Timmer 1998). Nutrient retranslocation enhances the nutrient supply to apical growing points during periods of flushing, while reducing growth limitations cause by restricted nutrient transfer form the soil to the region of current growth activity in the tree (Namb jar and Fife, 1987). Net uptake by the plant was small or negative for most the first season in the field so, nutrient accumulations in new growth were met mostly by internal rather than external nutrient sources (Mc Mister and Timmer, 1998)

On the other hand, Egypt imported most of domestic needs from wood and wood products (647 million U$ yearly as account of200l). Therefore, man mad forest is required to meet the progressive demands of wood and wood products; it must be planted in marginal or non-productive lands. Also, man made forest can protect degraded lands by decreasing the high water table (biological drainage) arid reduce air pollution, which global atmosphere suffer from.

Forest wetland in which baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) is one of the most famous conifer trees because it's economic and ecological importance, it is considered to be highly tolerant to flooding and soil water logging (Larse, 1980; Wilhite and Toliver, 1990 and Allen et cii. 1996). Although much is known about the used of baldcypress and associated species to flooding and salinity (Pezeshki 1993) Conner and Askew 1992 and Conner 1094), less is known about the responses of baldcypress to both stresses combined. Baldcypress is considered to be highly tolerant to flooding and soil waterlogging (Hook 1984, Brown and Montz 1986 and Keeland 1994). Also, Baldcypress seedlings are moderately salt-tolerant as no significant effects on height growth, net photosynthesis or stomatal conductance when watered with a 39 saltwater solution for 60 days (Pezeshki 1990). Even in seedlings regularly watered with a I Og' saltwater solution fbr 3 rnonths survival was 100% and their mean height was 83% as compared to control watered with freshwater (Conner, 1994).

Materials and methods

One year seedling old uniformed and healthy seedlings with average height of 35-37 cm) and diameter of (0.30-0.32 mm) of Taxodium distichum belongs to family Taxodiacea, which obtained from the nursery of Forestry Department, Horticulture Research Institute. The seedling were planted at May 23 in plastic pots of 25 cm diameter and continued to November 23 in the next year for both seasons. The extension of the growing seasons to IS months was to make suitable chance for root adaptability to growing media and fertilizer (Megonigall and Day, 1992).

The following NPK fertilizer treatments were applied as follows (0-0-0) no fertilizer, (15-10-15), (20-10-15), (25-10-15), (15-15-15), (20-15-15), (25-15-15), (15- i5 (20-15-10), and (25-15-10). Tree rates of each. formula had been studied (3, 6 and 9 gm), which applied monthly after one month of seedling transplanted. This study consists of 30 treatments 3 fertilizer rates and 10 formula. Cultural practices followed as nursery practices.

The following data were recorded, stem length., stem diameter, above ground and below ground biomass, leaves chlorophyll A, B and carotonoids contents (according to the method described by Saric ct al. 1976), nitrogen percentage (according to Pregel, 1945) phosphorous (according to King, 1951), Potassium (using a pye unicance model sp 1900 Atomic Absorption spectrophotometer).

The layout of the experiment was factorial (two factors) experimental design; the first factor was fertilizer rate and the second one fertilizer formula. Data were analyzed statistically using Dunchun,s multiple range test (Snedcor and Cochrans, 1974)

Soil mechanical and chemical analysis in Table (A &B) were performed before the experiment according to Piptte methods as described by Piper (1950)

Table (1) Soil mechanical and chemical analysis

Sample No

Coarse sand %

Fine sand %


Silt %

Ca Co3

Texture Class














Clay loamy







Sand (clay loamy)

Sample No



EC (mmhos/cm)

Meg/L CO3 HCO3 CI SO3 CA+ Mg++ Na+ K+






































Vegetative growth:

1- Stem length

Figure (1) showed that, increasing fertilizer rate (3, 6and 9gm) significantly increased stem length in an ascending order (137.43., 149.42 and 155.72 cm) and (131.13, 143,10 and 152.53 cm), respectively. Regarding the effect of fertilizer formula, the same data indicated that, the formula of (25-15-15) was more effective in increasing stem length (162.34 cm), respectively as compared to the other tested formula or control. For the interaction between fertilizer rates and formula the formula of (25-15-15) at the rate oui9 gm) produced the highest values (172.60 cm) as compared to any other formula with any rates.

2- Stem diameter

Figure (2) indicated that, all fertilizer rates significantly increased stem diameter (1.52, 1.70 and I .84 cm) as compared to control (0.98 cm), As regard to the effect of fertilizer formula it is obvious that, all tested formula significantly increased stem diameter as compared to control. Meanwhile, the formula of (20-1 5-15) and (25- 15-15) recorded the highest values (1.88 and 1.89 cm) as compared to the other formula. On. the other hand, the formula of (1 5 significantly decreased stern diameter (1.50 and 1.60 cm), respectively.

For the interaction between fertilizer rates and formula data cleared that, the formula of (20-15-15) and (25-15-15) at the rate of(9 gm) significantly increased stem diameter and (2.01 and 2.05cm) as compared to the other treatments. On the other hand, the formula of (15-10-15) at the rate of (3gm) was less effective in increasing stem diameter (1.39 cm) as compared to any formula at any rates.

Above ground biomass

Figure (3) showed that, the highest values ( 90.51 gm) was achieved from the application of the highest rate (9gm) as compared to the lowest one (3gm) or medium
Fig.(1):Effect of NPK fertilization treatments on stems length of Taxodium distichum seedlings grown in alkali soil in the seasons of 1998 and 1999
Fig. (2) EfTect of NPK fertilization treatments o* stem diameter of Taxodium distichum seedling grown in alkali soil in the seasons of 1.998 and 1999
Fig Effect of NPK fertilization treatments on above -. ground biomass of Taxodium distichum seedlings grown in alkali soil *n the seasons of 1998 and 1999.
Fig. (4) Effect of NPK fertilization treatments below - ground biomass of Taxodium distichum seedlings grown in alkali soil in the seasons ol i99 and 1999
Fig.(o)Effect of NPK fertilization treatments on Total chlorophyll of Taxodium distichum seedlings crown in alkali soil in the season of 1998 and 1999.
Fig (3) showed that, the highest values (90.51) was achieved from the application of the highest rate (9gm) as compared to the lowest one (3gm) or medium rate (S7.22 and 74.0 respectively.
Concerning the effect of fertilization formula, the same Figure cleared that, the formula of(25-15-15) significantly increased above- ground biomass (S5 respectively as compared to the control or other formula, With the exception of; the formula of (20-15-15) and (25-15-10) as the values were (84.42 and 84.30gm). respectively for both formula. For the interaction between fertilizer rates and formula Figure (3)showed that, the formula of (20-15-15) and (25- 15-15) at (9gm) produced the heaviest weights (103.30 and 104.54 gin), respectively. While the formula of (15-10-15) at (3gm) was less effective in increasing aboveground hiomass (50-29 gm).

Below-ground biomass:

Figure (4) indicated that, the application of NPK fertilization at any rate caused a consistent and progressive increase in belowground bioma.ss as compared to the control treatment. The highest rate (9gm) significantly increased belowground biornass (49.46 gin), while the lowest rate (3gm) significantly decreased it ( 35.98 gin).

As for the effect of fertilization formula, data cleared that, significant differences were observed between all investigated formula and control. On the other hand, the formula of (25.-IS-IS) and (25-15-10) signifIcantly increased belowground biomass (50.92 and 5313 gui), respectively as compared to the other formula, with the exception of, the formula of (20-15-15) which insegenficantly increased it as compared to (25-15-10) For the interaction between fertilizer rates and formula, Figure (4) indicated that, seedlings which fertilized with the higher rat (9 gm) were more effective in below-ground biamass especially at the formula of (15-15-15), (20-. 15-15), (25-15-iS) and (25-15-10).

Fertilization with the formula of (`15-10-15) at any rate was less effective in increasing this character than other treatments at the same rate or in case of increasing it.

Chemical composition:

Figments content:

Figure (5) showed that, all fertilizer rates increased leaves pigments content i.e. chlorophyll A, chlorophyll B and cartenoides as compared to control. Meanwhile increasing fertilizer rate, also, increased leaves pigments content in an ascending order, Concerning the effect of fertilizer formula, it is evident from the same figure that, application of any fertilizer formula had primitive effect on increasing leaves pigments content as compared to the control. The formula of (15-15-15), (20-15-15) and (2545-15) produced the highest values as compared to the other formula. As regard to the interaction between fertilized rates arid formula Figure (5) cleared that, the formula of (15-15-15), (20-15-15) and (25-15-15) at the rate of(9 gm) had a premised effect on increasing leaves pigments content as compared to any formula at any rate.

Carbohydrate percentage:

It is obvious from Figure (6) that, using NPK at any rate enhanced the stem carbohydrate percentage as compared to the control. The rate of(9 gm) produced the highest values, while the rate of(3 gui) was less effective. Concerning the effect of fertilizer formula. Figure (6) showed that, any formula increased carbohydrate percentage as compared to control The formula of (15-15-15) produced the highest values, while the formula of (15-1.0-15) gave the lowest one.

Nitrogen %:

Data in Figure (7) indicated that, all tested rates increased nitrogen percentage as compared to control. Also, increasing fertilization rate from (3 to 6 and

Fig(6) Effect of NPK fertilizing treatments on leaves chlorophyll B content of Taxodium distichum seedlings grown in alkali soil In the seasons of 1998 and 1999.

FIg(8)1 of NPK fertilization treatments on Carbohydratee % of Taxodium distichum seedlings grown in alkali soil in the seasons of 1998 and 1999.

of NPK fertilization treatments on leaves carotenoides content of Taxodium distichum seedlings grown in alkali soil in the seasons of 1998 and 1999.

_9 n) caused a. gradual increase in leaf nitrogen percentage. Regarding the effect of fertilizer formula, the same figure showed that, application of any NPK Fertilization formula caused an increment in leaf nitrogen percentage in comparison with The formula 01(25-15-15) g the lowest one. For the interaction number of rates and formula Figure (7) indicated that, the formula at' (25-15-15) at the rate of (9gm) was more effective in increasing leaves nitrogen percentage, while the formula of(15- 0-15) at the mte of (3gm) was less effective one.

Phosphorous %

it is obvious from Figure (8) that, increasing fertilization rate caused a consistent and progressive increase P% in comparison to control. Concerning the effect of fertilizer formula, the same Figure showed that, the control treatment gave the lowest values. On the other hand, using any formula caused an increase in leaves phosphorus percentage. The formula of (l5 0-15) produced the lowest values as compared to the other formula. For the interaction between fertilizer rates and formula it is evident from Figure (8) that, the formula of (15-15-15), (20- and (25-15- 15) at the rate of (6and 9gm) had primitive effect in increasing leaves phosphorus percentage in comparison with any formula at any rate.

Potassium %:

It is evident from Figure (9) that, all fertilization rates increased potassium percentage as compared to control. Moreover, the higher rate (9gm) was more effective in increasing leaves potassium percentage in comparison to the medium (6 gm) or the lowest one (3gm). Concerning the effect of fertilizer formula, data showed that, they're a wide different among all formula and control. Beside, the formula which has higher concentration of potassium enhanced it in leaves as compared to the other formula, which contain the lowest concentration of IC (15-1.5- 10), (20-15-10) and (25. 5-10), respectively. As regard to the interaction between two factors under study, the same Figure indicated that, the formula of (25-15-15) at the rate of (9gm) had a pronounced effect in increasing leaves potassium percentage as compared to any formula at any rate.


These results may be related to the application of a fertilizers with acidic effects decreased the pH in the root zone by formation H and H and increasing the uptake of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Nitrogen increased photosynthesis rate caused increasing in growth rate. Phosphorus also, increased photothynthesis by formation the main compounds which necessary for growth. Calcium supper phosphate, as a source of phosphate, formatted CaSo3 which exchangeable Na and from NaSO4. Potassium decreased salinity by exchangeable Na.

According to (Allen, 1994) Taxodium families from brackish sources were more tolerant of the combined salinity and flooding stresses than families from fresh water sources, suggesting a moderate degree of heritability. Also, the more tolerant families gradually lost older basal leaves, while retaining or producing healthy young leaves, Taxodium distichum seedlings responded well to fertilizer in alkali soil. These response can be due to the acidic residual effects of the used fertilizers as that decreases soil pH at the root zone and then seedlings could be achieved their requirements from the nutrient supply (Follett et al, 1981). Application of nitrogen increased productivity, initially by increasing the photosynthetic efficiency of foliage, and later through increased foliage production (Fife and Nambiar, 1997).

Increasing phosphorous fertilizer enhanced the growth because ATP molecules could be used to exclude the sodium out of the leaf tissue to preserve it

Table (9): Effect of NPK fertilization treatments on leaves Nitrogen percentage of Taxodium distichum seedlings grown in alkali soil in the seasons of 1998 and 1999.

Fig. (1O):Effect of NPK fertilization treatments on leaves phosphorous


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1 Director forestry department
9 Cairo University St. Orman - Giza - Egypt
TeL: 5720617 Fax: 5721628
Ministry of Agriculture
Agriculture Research Center
Horticulture Research Institute

* Abd El-Dayem, A. M., ** A. Z., Sarhan, T. A, Mohamed and * A. R. Rabie
Forestry Department, Horticulture Research Institute. Giza, Egypt.
* Ornamental Horticulture Department. Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University