

Liris Lis Komara 1

The Unbalance capability of Indonesian forest potention (30,93 million m 3 /years) with constant raw matterial needs (63,48 million m 3 /years), Forestry industry suprisingly went bankrupt. And that causes illegal loging and threats sustainable tropical forest. The export of pulp and wood product increase would also become a causes and its add by deforestation. Another uses/benefits of forest product are the non forest product which are bigger, the general potention get an a special care. Wood vallue only 0,5% to 1% from the total wealth and another 99% is non wood product.

A policy of the Indonesian government in forest cultivation, in this century, is forest for life support. For instance, this show in the development of forests in non-wood product oriented ways. Mengkudu is one of useful tropical plantation. Its leaf, stem bark, root and fruits are financially more valueable then the wood because of its chemical subtance. Long time ago, this plant was used for conventional medical treatment. The leaf of Mengkudu has special virtue for sore bodies and rheumatism. The extract of stem bark is used for malaria disease, its root has a special ability to accelerate menstruation and the fruit can heal lots of disease such as cough, asthma, headache, hypertension and cancer.

Non Wood Forest Product Benefits

According to Nasution and Darussman (1990) in Suwadiwangsa (2002) : the value of wood is only 0.5 % to 1 % from the total of forest wealth. Secifically, there are (Suhendang,1999) :

a. Non-wood forest products such as bamboo, rattan, latex, atsiri oil, etc. It is estimated that 1.2 millions rupiahs per hectar each year or 0.04 % from the total value of forest wealth.

b. The function of forest to prevent erosion, to produce oxigen and to absorb carbon monoxide, and etc, have been measured almost 21.4 millions rupiahs per hectar each year or 0.07 % from the total of forest value.

c. The habitat of flora and fauna which are protected and the benefit of its sosio-culture, the beuty of landscape, the fresh air and the comfortable situation as a tourist object as well as other benefits which have been calculated around 28.83 billions rupiahs per hectar in each year or 98.89 % from the total of forest wealth.

The Development of Forest Product Industries

Since 1980, forest product industries have been developed rapidly and become the largest support for national income after oil and gas sector. On the other hand, 20 years later, industries surprisingly went bangkrupt. It was caused by unbalance capability of forest to provide woods (only 30.93 millions m 3 per hectar each year) with constant material needs of industries (approximately 63.48 millions m 3 per hectar each year). So that, sustainable of our forest is intimidated. More global, that problem has been influenced by two factors : internal and external factors. Internal factors consist of ancient technology use (old machine, much input but less output, produce noncompetitive results), short period profit-oriented of enterpreneur and unstringent of law enforcement.

External factors consist of the demand from international market and through a brand new government policy on the increase of teritorrial competence of oil and gas company (as much as 35 %) and the other conversion of forest land such as settlement, farming, etc.

The total of wood product industries which have been established its legality is 1.881 units. According to previous paragraph, capability of forest to provide woods is only half from total material needs of wood product industries. So, it is realistic if the total of that industries is cut as much as 50 % in order to balance between supply and demand of wood as material. In this case, it will cause a new problem towars the employees. If so, restructurization or rationalization of wood product industries such a dilema. Seriousness, sharp analyzing, holistic of point of view are needed to study then finish those problems.

Reorientation of Forest Product Benefits

Reorientation of technology and forest product is needed. Recall the large of non-wood products, reorientation should be directed to make these things to be a suitable dominant product. In the next development steps, harmony of all stakeholders need to be built. Government through all of facilities and policies, enterpreneur with their invesment, higher education through well-educated or expert created in this field and independent research foundations through their industrie-based research can make these things become a superior commodity. So, civil would change their mind set towards wood.

Mengkudu Fruits As Non Wood Forest Product

Mengkudu, which is grouped in Rubiaceae, is endemic for South East Asia. In indonesia, this plant has different name in different area, for instance, Cangkudu in West Java, Kodhu in Madura, Wangkudu in Bali, Labanan in Kalimantan and Pace in most part of Java. The spreading of this plant has involved large area, because immigrants have brought the seed or it floated and been carried by water flow. In China, this plant is known as `Hai ba ji `, in India it is named as `Indian mulberry', in Malaysia it is known as `Bangkudu', in Spain it is called as `Mora de la India', in Hawai it is known as Noni, the Samoa and Tonga people called it Nonu, Tahiti people called it Nono, and it is named as `pain killer tree'in Central America and by a few ethnic groups in Caribbean.

Mengkudu Fruits Has Many Advantages

In Indonesia today, mengkudu is used by several private enterpreneurs, regional government or even civil home industry to produce various goods, such as fresh drink, juice and casule. Because of the advantage of this plant, as a medicine and it can improve civil economic. A lot of research has been carried by BPPT Indonesia and Dole Pineapple Company (Cooperate Japan and Hawai Unversity) and other research foundations. It can be summarised that the extract of Mengkudu fruit contains many kinds of important useful chemical substances. They are caproat acid, alizarin, morindon and morindin, asperoluside, proxeronine and xeronine, antraquinan, scopoletin and damnacanthal. The last subtance can dampen the cancer.


For consideration, lacking of sum industries and development of non-wood forest products might be the way to solve those problems. But it is happens only in balance. So, the employees due to cuting of sum those industries can be replaced in non-wood based industries sector. On the other side, development of it can stimulate the economic growth of rural society espescially who live in forest surroundings. Because, in fact, unlike wood-based industries, this sector does not need modern technology and large capital. So, wood will not be quite famous anymore and sustainable of forest still there.

1 Student Of Winayamukti University, Indonesia