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Summary and Conclusions

The summary and conclusions of the Twelth Session of the Codex Coordinating Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean are as follows:

Matters for approval by the Executive Committee and the Codex Alimentarius Commission:

The Committee:

- agreed to nominate Dominican Republic for appointment as Regional Coordinator by the 24th Session of the Commission (para. 79).

- agreed to advance to Step 8 the Draft Revised Code of Hygienic Practice for the Preparation and Sale of Street Foods (Regional Code - Latin America and the Caribbean) - (para 32, Appendix II).

Other matters of interest to the Commission:

The Committee:

- agreed to elaborate a document on Contamination by Salmonella in Tourist Zones for consideration at its next session (para. 37).

- supported the elaboration of Guidelines for the Obtaining of Data of Interest for Microbiological Risk Assessment by the next session of the Codex Committee on Food Hygiene (paras. 33-35)

- took note of the progress made in the harmonization and cooperation in food legislation and food control in the Region (paras. 38-39).

- took note of the progress made in strengthening of Codex Contact Points and National Codex Committees in the Region (paras. 40-56).

- exchanged information on consumer participation in Codex work in the Region (paras. 57-71).

- agreed that it would be useful to organize a Workshop on "precaution" as recommended by the Executive Committee and in view of the importance of the issue for the Region (para. 76).

- adopted the Recommendations of the Workshop on Risk Analysis - Exposure Assessment, identifying the needs of the Region in this area (paras. 77-78).

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