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Adoption of the Agenda (Agenda Item 1)[1]

6. The Committee adopted the Provisional Agenda as its Agenda for the Session. It agreed to discuss the following issues under Agenda Item 11:

- Development of a Programme of Future Work for the Committee that prioritized thematic areas of common interest to the Region;

- General debate on the Precautionary Principle;

- Distribution of Codex documents.

7. The Committee took note that the recommendations from the Workshop on Risk Analysis - Exposure Assessment would be presented under Item 9 of the Provisional Agenda.

8. The Committee agreed to the Chairman's suggestion to elect a Vice-Chairman. The delegation of Costa Rica put forward Mr Alfredo Nader of Argentina as Vice-Chairman and the Committee unanimously agreed to this prosopal.

9. Finally, the Committee observed a minute's silence in the memory of Ing. Alberto Marrero of Cuba who had dedicated a large part of his life to the normative activities of Codex in the Region.

[1] CX/LAC 01/1

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