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Consideration of the Draft Revised Code of Hygienic Practice for the Preparation and Sale of Street Foods (Agenda Item 4)[4]

25. The Committee took note that the 11th Session of the CCLAC had submitted the Proposed Draft Code to the 23rd Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission for its adoption at Step 5 and that the Commission had agreed with this decision. The Draft was circulated for comments at Step 6 through Circular Letter CL 2000/42-LAC.

26. The Committee examined the Revised Draft Code in depth and adopted the changes and/or additions that it considered appropriate, and that feature in Appendix II, the most notable being:

Section 3 - Definitions

27. The Committee agreed to include the definitions of "Ingredients" and "Food Handler" to clarify these concepts that are in the Recommended International Code of practice - General Principles of Food Hygiene (CAC/RCP 1-1969, Rev.3-1997).

Paragraphs 4.1.5

28. The Committee agreed to delete this paragraph because the stipulated requirements were sufficiently covered in paragraph 4.1.1.

Paragraphs 5.2.1 and 5.2.2

29. The Committee agreed to merge these two paragraphs and to propose a new text, referring in a footnote to examples of diseases/infections listed in the Code of Hygienic Practice.

Paragraphs 8.2.1 and

30. The Committee decided to combine both paragraphs to clarify that the term 'item' referred to 'plates, covers, glasses, napkins and others'. In addition, the square brackets in the second paragraph were deleted and it was clarified that that the non disposable items should be in good condition to be re-used.

Paragraph 8.3

31. The Committee drew up a new text referring to the hygienic practices mentioned in paragraph 5.2. The Committee decided to delete paragraphs 8.3.1;; and as the requirements for the food vendors were the same as those for the food handlers already mentioned in paragraph 5.2.

Status of the Draft Revised Code of Hygienic Practice for the Preparation and Sale of Street Foods

32. The Committee agreed to submit the Draft Code to the 24th Session of the Commission for its adoption at Step 8 (see Appendix II).

[4] ALINORM 99/36-App. II; CL 1999/13-GEN; CL 2000/42-LAC; CX/LAC 01/4 (comments from Bolivia and Saint Lucia); CRD 1 (comments from Dominican Republic); CRD 2 (comments from Argentina); CRD 6 (comments from Cuba); CRD 8 (comments from Paraguay) and CRD 10 (comments from Consumers International).

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