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Other Business and Future Work (Agenda Item 11)[11]


Distribution of Codex Documents

80. The delegation of Mexico voiced its concern over the late reception of Codex documentation and the delay in posting it on the web site which hampered examination of documents to determine genuinely national positions. The Secretariat informed the Committee of the existence of the Codex web page that provided the reports and working documents of the various Codex committees, and of the electronic mailing list through which information was transmitted all Codex Contact Points. The delegations were urged to send in a timely manner the documents that they had undertaken to prepare.


81. The delegation of Chile, supported by several delegations, expressed its concern over the merely informative treatment given to certain issues that were repeatedly discussed at different CCLAC sessions without managing to establish goals, strategies and actions that would benefit the countries of the Region. It therefore suggested that a strategic plan should be drawn up for the CCLAC, setting out objectives, short- and medium-term actions and possible thematic areas of regional interest that could be examined at future sessions of the CCLAC.

82. The delegation of Mexico made several concrete proposals related to Chile's suggestion, including the compilation of a directory of participants from Latin America in the Codex committees, and suggested that countries with strengthens in specific areas could coordinate regional positions on different matters. In addition, the Mexican delegation expressed its desire to be part of any group set up to develop a strategic plan for the Committee.

83. The Observer of the ALA indicated the need for the Regional Committee to determine its position on certain issues that were being discussed in other Codex committees and that were affecting the industry in the Region.

84. The Committee expressed considerable interest in the proposal of Chile and agreed that this would be further developed by the Chair of the CCLAC in collaboration with Chile for submission to the member countries of the Region.

85. The delegation of Cuba, supported by Costa Rica, requested that the strategic planning proposal include the strengthening of the work of harmonization and cooperation in the drafting of standards.

86. The delegation of Colombia wished to know whether increased value could be given to the reports requested by the Commission from the Coordinating Committees as a way of providing feedback to the member countries.

[11] CRD 16 (comments from Chile).

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