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ADB - Asian Development Bank

ADT - Airdry Metric Tonne

BARC - Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council

BARI - Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute

BBS - Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics

BCIC - Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation

BCISR - Bangladesh Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

BFD - Bangladesh Forest Department

BFIDC - Bangladesh Forest Industries Development Corporation

BFRI - Bangladesh Forest Research Institute

BSCIC - Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation

CCF - Chief Conservator Forests

CF - Conservator Forests

CHT - Chittagong Hill Tracts

CIF - Cartage, Insurance and Freight

DFO - Divisional Forest Officer

DOA - Department of Agriculture

EIA - Environment Impact Assessment

EIRR - Economic Interval Rate of Return

ESCAP - Economic and Social Commission Asia Pacific

FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

FDTC - Forest Development and Training Centre

FEC - Foreign Exchange Component

FYP - Five Year Plan

FIRR - Financial Interval Rate of Return

FMP - Forestry Master Plan

FOI - Free on Board

FY - Financial Year

GOB - Government of Bangladesh

Ha - Hectare

IFCU - Institute of Forestry, Chittagong University

IRR - Internal Rate of Return

Kg - Kilogram

KHM - Khulna Hardboard Mill

Km - Kilometre

Km2 - Square Kilometre

KNM - Khulna Newsprint Mill

KPM - Karnafuli Paper Mill

KRC - Karnafuli Rayon Complex

Kw - Kilowatt

M - Metre

M2 - Square Metre

MAI - Mean Annual Increment

Max - Maximum

Min - Minimum

MM - Millimetre

MOEF - Ministry of Environment and Forest

NBPM - North Bengal Paper Mill

NGO - Non Government Organization

No. - Number

NPV - Net Present Value

PDB - Power Development Board

REB - Rural Electrification Board

RF - Reserve Forest

SPH - Stems Per Hectare

SPPM - Sylhet Pulp and Paper Mill

Tk - Taka

UNCED - UN Conference on Environment and Development

UNDP - United Nations Development Programme

USF - Unclassed State Forest

VAT - Value Added Tax

4WHD - 4 Wheel Drive


Char - Land formation on rive bank on sea coast

Jhum - Shifting cultivation

Khas - Land administered by the Bangladesh Revenue Department

Khetland - Low lying private land

Taungya - Forest plantation establishment technique employing local people to raise their agricultural crops in association with tree plantations.


US$1 - Tk 38.9

Tk - U$ 0.0257

1 m3 - 35.3147 cubic feet (27.7 cft Hoppus)

1 cft (H) - 1.2732 cubic feet true

1 cft(t) - one cubic food true solid volume

1 km - 0.621 miles

1 ha - 2.471 acres

1 litre - 0.220 imperial gallons

tonne - 1,000 kilograms

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