FAO/GIEWS: Africa Report No.1, April 2001 RWANDA 35

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25 000 sq.km
Highland rainy climate with moderate temperature (200C); two rainy seasons: February-May and September-November
8.34 million (2001 estimate); G.N.P. per caput: US$250 (1999)
Specific characteristics of the country:
Low-income food-deficit country; land-locked country
Ports: Mombasa (Kenya) and Dar es Salaam (Tanzania); roads and railway inadequate
Major foodcrops:
Roots, tubers, pulses, plantains, sorghum, maize
Marketing year:
January/December; Lean season: November-December
Share of cereals in total calorie intake:
25 percent


Preliminary indications point to a food output of the recently harvested 2001 A season crop at around or slightly lower than the good level of last year. Despite a delay to the start of the rainy season, precipitation was abundant and well distributed from mid-October to December. Although excessive rains in November resulted in floods and crop losses in parts, mainly in Gisenyi and Butare Prefectures, they generally benefited plantings and yields, particularly of cereals and pulses. Production of roots and tubers and banana and plantains was less satisfactory reflecting shortages of planting material and prolonged dry weather. Also despite the overall positive picture, a poor harvest was gathered in the Bugasera region of Kigali Rural Province, due to seed shortages following successive reduced crops. A locally-organized Government/FAO/WFP/EU Mission has assessed this season's food production but its findings are not yet available.

The tight food supply situation has eased with the new harvest. Prices of maize, beans and Irish potatoes have decreased from their levels of a year ago. However, despite the overall improvement in the food situation, emergency food assistance is anticipated to be needed until the next harvest for people in the Bugesera region, particularly in Kanzenze and Gashora districts. WFP plans to distribute 13 000 tonnes of emergency food assistance for three months to 267 000 drought-affected people in southeast Rwanda.


  Wheat Rice Coarse grains Total
Previous five years average production 6 7 182 195
Previous five years average imports 15 13 182 210
2001 Domestic Availability 8 8 219 235
2001 Production (rice in paddy terms) 8 12 219 239
2001 Production (rice in milled terms) 8 8 219 235
Possible stock drawdown - - - -
2001 Utilization 23 18 369 410
Food Use 23 17 348 388
of which: local purchase requirement - - 1 1
Non-food use - 1 21 22
Exports or Re-exports - - - -
Possible stock build up - - - -
2001 Import Requirement 15 10 150 175
Anticipated commercial imports 15 10 90 115
Food aid needs - - 60 60
Current Aid Position        
Food aid pledges - - 16 16
of which: Delivered - - 12 12
Donor-financed purchases - - 1 1
of which: for local use - - 1 1
for export - - - -
Estimated Per Caput Consumption (kg/Year) 3 2 42 47
2001 production as % of average:       123
2001 import requirement as % of average:       83

FAO/GIEWS - April 2001

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