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Position Paper on Chloropropanols (Agenda Item 16g)[80]

181. The 32nd Session of the CCFAC had asked the Delegation of the United Kingdom, with the assistance of Canada and the United States, to prepare a Position Paper on Chloropropanols for circulation, comment and consideration at the 33rd CCFAC.[81]

182. The Committee agreed that this same drafting group should revise the Position Paper on Chloropropanols, taking into account the comments submitted (including those of the EC) and the results of the JECFA evaluation on chloropropanols scheduled for the 57th meeting in June 2001, and circulate the revised text for additional comment and further consideration at the 34th CCFAC.

[80] CX/FAC 01/31 and comments submitted by Denmark, the United Kingdom (CX/FAC 01/31-Add. 1), Thailand, Uruguay, AIIBP (CRD 11) and the United Kingdom (CRD 14)
[81] ALINORM 01/12, para. 150

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