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The Thirty-third Session of the Codex Committee on Pesticide Residues reached the following conclusions:


The Committee recommended to the Commission:

  • Draft MRLs for adoption at Step 8, Proposed Draft MRLs at Step 5/8 and Proposed Draft MRLs at Step 5 (Appendices II, III and V);
  • Proposed Draft Amendments to the Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds for adoption at Step 5 of the Accelerated Procedure (Appendix IV);
  • revocation of certain existing Codex MRLs (Appendix VI); and
  • Priority List of Pesticides for new pesticides and periodic evaluations by the JMPR (Appendix IX).


The Committee:

  • decided to propose to the Commission an EMRL level for DDT of 5mg/kg and a level of 3mg/kg in square brackets and to ask the Commission to take a decision regarding the level, taking into account that the Committee would not be able to reach consensus by deferring consideration of this matter to a later session (para. 195);
  • while considering the request of Mexico regarding the inclusion of some antibiotics to the priority list as they met criteria for inclusion, the Committee decided that it could not make a decision because of a lack of consensus at this time and referred the issue to the Codex Alimentarius Commission, requesting coordination among the other committees involved, including the Codex Committees on Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods and Food Hygiene (para. 222).
  • deferred discussion on other legitimate factors in the framework of risk analysis until further progress had been achieved in the CCGP and Codex with the understanding that the Commission could provide general orientation to Codex committees concerning the role of other factors and the application of risk analysis principles in the decision process (para. 240).


The Committee:

  • while reviewing the procedure dealing with chronic dietary exposure concern recognized that current procedures should be retained for the time being and reasserted its earlier decision that no MRL should be advanced to Step 8 when the ADI was exceeded in one or more of the regional diets (para. 43);
  • noted general consideration items of 2000 JMPR, and the initiative and the new developments that pesticide specifications be developed and reviewed by FAO/WHO Joint Meeting on Specifications before a compound is evaluated by the JMPR and that this process will be initiated in 2003 giving the priority to compounds under the periodic review programme (paras 13-27);
  • agreed that there was no need to develop an additional document on risk analysis at this stage and noted that future action would depend on the recommendations of the Commission in this area (para. 51);
  • supported the development of the 13 revised regional diets and noted that further refinement of the diets would be required, including examples of calculation MRLs for fruits and vegetables, before recommending their use for the purposes of JMPR (para. 56);
  • agreed to discontinue the collection of information through the questionnaire about processing studies while recognizing the importance of collection information by GEMS FOOD currently required by national governments (para. 62);
  • agreed that a case by case approach should be followed in establishing MRLs for genetically modified crops and metabolite residues (paras 63-66), and for isomeric mixtures (para. 222)
  • agreed to consider a position paper identifying the more important spice/pesticide combinations, the availability of GAP information and residue data (field trial and monitoring data) together with information on trade problems and policy guidance on further steps in the establishment of MRLs/EMRL for spices (para. 234)
  • agreed to apply procedures when establishing priorities as indicated in paras 211, 212 and 215;
  • agreed to consider at the next session:

    • cumulative risk assessment especially in relation to the development of common understanding of methodology (para 78);
    • acute exposure assessment (paras 246-247);
    • to what extent the Codex Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds should be reviewed and updated and in what structure the updated version would be (paras 241-245);
    • establishment of priority lists; and review of the paper on the working procedures of JMPR to be prepared by the FAO/WHO Secretariat (para. 224); and

  • requested JMPR to consider a number of matters of general nature (paras 33, 77).


The Committee:

  • following the referral from the CCNASWP regarding the Trade Vulnerabilities Arising from the Lengthy Codex MRL Process, agreed to acknowledge the existence of the problem and requested the Delegation of the USA with assistance of other interested Member states and international organizations to prepare a paper for consideration by the next session of the Committee (para. 12);
  • further following the request of the CCNFSDU, and considering the appropriateness of ADI and MRL setting for infants and children concluded that ADIs and MRLs should cover all population groups including infants and children and that the possible increased vulnerability of infants and children was an important issue which needed to be explicitly integrated into the work of the CCPR and JMPR and therefore agreed that the development of cumulative risk assessment required further consideration, especially regarding the development of common understanding of methodology (paras 67-78).

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