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The publication provides a background to the need for managing fishing capacity and a review of the technical and policy issues that may arise. It is addressed primarily to decision-makers within fisheries management authorities and other interest groups such as fishers' organizations and concerned non-governmental organizations. Part 1 presents a summary of recommendations. Part 2 reviews policy and technical issues. After defining major concepts, the report examines the origin, consequences and dynamics of excessive development in fishing capacity. The problems associated with free and open access are discussed, together with the issues that arise when attempting to manage fisheries under such regimes. Policy implications and constraints are outlined. Possible management actions are reviewed, including measures such as economic incentives and disincentives, individual quotas, limited entry and comanagement. Approaches to the reduction of fishing capacity are also discussed. Finally, the report reviews selected administrative and institutional requirements and issues that arise in specific fisheries, such as high seas and small-scale fisheries.

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