CL 120/INF/17


Hundred and Twentieth Session

Rome, 18 - 23 June 2001



1. The reports of the sessions of Technical Committees held earlier in the year - Committee on Fisheries (COFI); Committee on Commodity Problems (CCP); Committee on Forestry (COFO); and Committee on Agriculture (COAG) - which the Council is to consider at its present session - contain a large number of recommendations and requests, some of which have direct or indirect financial implications.

2. In the formulation of proposals in the Summary Programme of Work and Budget 2002-20031 (SPWB), the Secretariat sought to anticipate, to the maximum extent possible, the outcome of the deliberations of Technical Committees. However, several recommendations and requests made by these Committees would translate into additional activities and outputs, and attendant resource requirements, beyond those presented in the SPWB document.

3. The present information document has been prepared in order to enlighten the Council about the full impact of the conclusions of the above sessions of its Technical Committees, in the expectation that it would find it useful in the context of its discussion of the SPWB. It aims at providing a broad picture of the incremental activities and an order of magnitude of the additional resources needed to give full justice to the recommendations. For reasons of timing, this document could not address the eventual outcome of the 27th Session of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS).

24th Session of Committee on Fisheries (26 February - 2 March 2001)

Recommendation (from Report2) Paragraph No. Additional Outputs
Incremental Resource Requirements for 2002-03
(US$ 000)

Many Members requested FAO to conduct studies on the relationship between marine mammals and fisheries (and by implication on ecosystem aspects of fisheries).


A new Marine Ecosystem Management Officer is proposed in the SPWB, who would support a pilot regional programme for the Caribbean based on extra-budgetary funding for a 3-year programme. In support of such a programme and to expand findings and results to all regions, funds would be required to cover costs of consultants and publications.



The need for further training and assistance in the field of quality control and seafood safety measures, risk analysis, and the application of the relevant World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements was stressed both in relation to the positive contribution of developing countries to international fish trade as well as consumer protection in national markets.


Two regional workshops on risk assessment and communication regarding seafood safety, to be supplemented by extra-budgetary assistance.



The Committee agreed that the follow-up on these matters should be dealt with by the COFI Sub-committee on Fish Trade under the title "Developing a workplan for exploring CITES3 issues with respect to international fish trade".


Consultation to analyse legal, administrative, and trade implications of CITES in relation to aquatic organism. (Location and time to be decided at the next COFI Sub-committee on Fish Trade).



Many Members stressed the importance of national capacity building in fisheries statistics.


Two regional workshops which have proven to be effective mechanisms for training those concerned with the collection and processing of fishery statistics in developing countries; 10-day workshops with 8-10 participants.



The Committee recommended that a technical consultation be called by FAO to consider how fisheries status and trends reporting could be improved effectively.


Technical consultation in Rome in early 2002.



The Committee agreed that a second expert consultation (on economic incentives) be organised by FAO, but that substantial preparatory work, including an inventory of currently available and ongoing efforts, should first be carried out by the Secretariat. It was agreed that the expert consultation be followed by a government technical consultation on the issue, in part as a means of quickly disseminating information on the matter both to Members and to other intergovernmental organizations.

86 and 89

· Identification of programme to study direct impact of subsidies on the fishing industry; · Ad hoc meeting of experts to review study programme; · 8-10 case studies; · Analysis of results; · Second expert consultation; and · Technical government consultation on subsidies in fisheries.



The Secretariat was requested to disseminate widely the International Plan of Action (IPOA) on illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing (IUU) and to transmit it to Members, regional fisheries management organizations, relevant intergovernmental organizations and Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs). Given the international importance of IUU fishing and the need to address it, Members agreed that the issue and the IPOA-IUU be further considered at the 25th Session of COFI. Of particular interest to Members at the next session of COFI would be the progress achieved in implementing the IPOA-IUU.

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· Printing and dissemination of IPOA in five languages; · Elaboration and publication of guidelines and training manuals; · Three regional workshops on the implementation of the IPOA-IUU; · One expert consultation on catch certification; and · One workshop for countries with open registers and major fishing countries.






63rd Session of the Committee on Commodity Problems (6 - 9 March 2001)

Recommendation (from Report4) Paragraph No. Additional Outputs Implied Incremental Resource Requirements for 2002-03
(US$ 000)

The Committee encouraged FAO to speed up the delivery of these programmes (of technical assistance related to the multilateral trade negotiations) and suggested that additional resources - either from the Regular Programme or from extra-budgetary funds - would be necessary for FAO to provide the requested assistance.


Regional and country-specific technical assistance on multilateral trade negotiations, including studies, briefings for policy makers, country missions.



The Committee called for an update of past studies analysing the relations between biotechnology and trade in agricultural products.





The Committee recommended that the Secretariat: i) continue analysing the economics of organic agricultural production and trade; ii) continue monitoring biotechnology developments in particular in developing countries; and iii) undertake studies covering agricultural commodities to assess the impact of SPS5 and TBT6 on the foreign exchange earnings of developing countries.


Representative case studies to assess the impact of SPS and TBT on foreign exchange earnings of developing countries in Asia and Africa.






15th Session of the Committee on Forestry (12 - 16 March 2001)

Recommendation (from Report7) Paragraph No. Additional Outputs Implied Incremental Resource Requirements for 2002-03
(US$ 000)

The Committee noted the financial and technological constraints in many countries to improving information and knowledge about their forest sectors. It requested FAO to assist them with training and technology transfer to overcome these constraints.


· Additional support to forestry statistical networks in Africa; and · Training of African nationals at forestry information centres.



The Committee took note of the important conclusions and recommendations of the meeting (on management of forest fires) and urged that FAO take follow-up action to support efforts in fire management.


Increased capacity to organise and coordinate inter-country forest fire management cooperation.



The Committee requested FAO to provide strong support to the work of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF), and to take an active leadership role in the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), which would replace the Inter-Agency Task Force on Forests (ITTF). The Committee requested FAO, in collaboration with other CPF members, to assist the UNFF in its work related to monitoring, assessment and reporting on progress toward implementing the IPF and IFF proposals for action, using existing channels and streamlining the reporting processes to the extent possible.

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· Background papers, support to representation of developing countries; and · Expansion of FAO forestry website to enable countries to report on their progress.




The Committee requested FAO to support countries in their implementation of the IPF8 and IFF9 proposals for action, including capacity building and related technical and financial assistance, especially to developing countries and countries with economies in transition, to develop and implement effective national policy frameworks and national forest programmes.


· Reinvigorating national forest programmes in 5 African countries, bridging food security and community action; and · Launching national forest programmes in at least 8 Eastern and Central European countries.



The Committee stressed the need for follow-up action well beyond 2002 to achieve full impact of the opportunities presented by the International Year of Mountains (IYM) 2002.


· Support to regional IYM; · Consultations; and · Support to mountain policy formulation and programme development in key poor mountain countries.






16th Session of the Committee on Agriculture (26 - 30 March 2001)

Recommendation (from Report10) Paragraph No. Additional Outputs
Incremental Resource Requirements for 2002-03
(US$ 000)

The Committee endorsed the continuing efforts to prevent the introduction and spread of plant and animal pests and diseases, including locusts, rinderpest, trypanosomiasis and foot-and-mouth disease through EMPRES11 and related activities and mechanisms.


· Accelerated work on verification of rinderpest freedom; and · Accelerated work on guidelines and capacity building for identification of priority areas for tsetse intervention in support to PAAT12 and PATTEC13.




The Committee accorded high priority to the development of phytosanitary standards through the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) and technical assistance for their implementation.


Expansion of standard setting through additional meetings of expert working groups.



The Committee supported the priority given to the Food Insecurity and Vulnerability Information and Mapping Systems (FIVIMS).


· Assistance to FIVIMS start-up in a larger number of countries, especially in the context of CCA14-UNDAF15 exercises at country level; · Studies on improved methodology for the use of mapped data in vulnerability assessments; and · Methodological papers on improving the estimates of the number of undernourished.



The Committee recognised the need for FAO to strengthen capacity building activities aimed at enabling developing countries to participate as well-informed and equal partners in multilateral trade negotiations on agriculture.


Analytical reports, expert consultations and capacity building on: i) implications of alternative proposals in the negotiations; ii) implementation of trade agreements including adjustment/adaptation of domestic policies; iii) linkages between trade and food security and environment; and iv) full utilisation of trading opportunities arising from agreements.



Delegates gave priority to risk analysis of foods derived from biotechnologies, microbacterial contaminants and to information systems for rapid alert and crisis management.


· Two additional expert meetings and assistance to at least 10 countries committed to rapid alert systems; · Guidelines for estimating sampling uncertainty in raw agricultural commodities and certifying compliance with Codex maximum residue limits; and · Improvement of methods for dietary risk assessment through FAO's established machinery.



The Committee stressed the serious negative impact of HIV/AIDS on food security and urged that measures be taken to address the resulting decline in labour productivity and agricultural production.


· Expanded technical advice and field implementation at country level;
· Policy advice to countries to mitigate the impact of HIV/AIDS on agriculture;
· Incorporation of modules on preventive HIV/AIDS in educational programmes aimed at rural and urban children;
· Organisation of an international meeting of agricultural policy makers; and
· Development of a database to monitor the impact of HIV/AIDS on food security.



The Committee called on FAO to assist Members, in particular developing countries which are vulnerable to climate change, to enhance their capacities to confront the negative impacts of climate variability and change on agriculture.


· Strategies and guidelines for national drought preparedness plans; and · Initiation of pilot projects on arid and semi-arid production in Southern Africa, the Near East and Latin America.



The Committee emphasised the importance of capacity building in developing countries and countries with economies in transition, to enable them to establish and implement appropriate sanitary and phytosanitary programmes relating to food and agriculture.


· Guidelines and workshops on risk assessment methodologies for genetically modified crops in small-scale production systems; and · Capacity building to enhance exchange of phytosanitary information.







1 CL 120/3

2 CL 120/7

3 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)

4 CL 120/6

5 Sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS)

6 Technical barriers to trade (TBT)

7 CL 120/8

8 Intergovernmental Panel on Forests (IPF)

9 Intergovernmental Forum on Forests (IFF)

10 CL 120/9

11 Emergency Prevention System for Transboundary Animal and Plant Pests and Diseases (EMPRES)

12 Programme Against African Trypanosomiasis (PAAT)

13 Pan African Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Campaign (PATTEC)

14 Common country assessment

15 United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF)