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This publication is intended to document the experiences of a network of professionals as they pursued the concept of environment protection through education and training of personnel in the agriculture sector. Members of this network, mainly master trainers from eight institutions in six countries, engaged in participatory curriculum development, testing and implementation of a systematic form of education and training that fitted their particular situation. Trainers from the eight lead institutions implemented environment education training (EET) programmes in their respective countries with financial and technical support from FAO. These EET network members succeeded in acquiring additional support from their governments and/or agencies. Significant personal contributions of time and effort were made by each network member that went far beyond what was supported financially by any agency.

This publication is intended to share the successes and problems encountered in this effort. The activities will be summarized from both macro and micro levels. Thus, the book will include concepts and procedures that were used to design and implement the EET activities and the standardized dimensions of the efforts. Each EET programme will be described in detail. These descriptions are intended to provide a base upon which other professionals can build. Those who pursue next level design and implementation of EET activities within their countries can learn from the early experiences. Those in other agencies and/or countries who are interested in initiating EET activities can learn from the successes and mistakes of the eight EET programmes reported in this book. Additionally, agencies and countries interested in implementing education and training interventions in areas other than in EET can benefit from the EET process, strategies, methods, results and experiences.

Gratitude is due to the authors for the work on their projects and for their time and effort in writing for this publication. The commitment of these professionals to the environment and to their professions is deeply felt.

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