FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 06/01 - BRAZIL (30 May)

BRAZIL (30 May)

Favourable weather conditions helped the timely planting of wheat in Paraná State, which accounts for half of the country’s total area planted. The number of hectares this campaign is anticipated to be similar to last year. Summer maize harvest reached a record level and total maize production for 2001 is expected to increase by almost 7 million tonnes from last year’s average level. As a result, the country should move from being a net importer to a net exporter of maize. The area planted with safrinha maize (second season crop) is estimated to be 15 per cent smaller than last year, and may not reach one million hectares. The safrinha crop is not developing well in the northeast (Goiás and Pernambuco) due to dry weather conditions, and production is expected to fall by 25 per cent from last year. Only scattered showers were observed during May in arid and semi- arid North and Northeast, and the outlook is not favourable. Paddy harvest is complete with an estimated production of 11 million tonnes. Wheat imports in marketing year 2000/01 (July/June) are estimated at 7.7 million tonnes.