FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 06/01 - EL SALVADOR (28 May)


The country is slowly recovering from two strong earthquakes in January and February, but the provision of food and other types of emergency relief assistance is expected to continue until the harvest of the first crop season starts in August/September. The economy is reported to be showing signs of recovery, but the shocks left an additional 160 000 people living in poverty. The government is distributing agricultural input packages to small farmers in an attempt to ensure the planting of the first season crop, and official sources report that the output of basic grains of the current agricultural campaign is not likely to be below last year�s level. Small after-shocks are frequently being reported, and there is concern that hurricanes during the rainy season that has started could provoke land and mudslides.

The 2000/01 (July/June) marketing year is well advanced. Wheat imports are expected to be close to 200 000 tonnes, while maize imports are revised downwards to about 320 000 tonnes. Rice imports in marketing year 2001 (Jan/Dec) are forecast at 30 000 tonnes .

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