FAO/GIEWS - Foodcrops & Shortages 06/01 - MONGOLIA* (20 May)

MONGOLIA* (20 May)

Planting of the main wheat crop is underway in main producing areas for harvest in September. The combined effect of the second consecutive winter disaster, which followed two successive summer droughts and underlying problems in the agricultural sector, could result in further reduced cereal production in 2001 and increased dependency on international food assistance. A blizzard in April had added to the suffering of many herders by causing more deaths to livestock. Outbreaks of foot and mouth disease and rabies have resulted in additional losses of animals. According to official estimates, the number of dead livestock stood at just over 2 million as of 15th April 2001 - three times higher than last winter. As several provinces have not yet submitted their updated figures for losses it is expected the number of animal deaths could be much higher. The scale of livestock deaths coupled with those of last year mean that many herders no longer have the ability to barter their animals to provide supplementary food and other essential non-food items for their families.

An UN/Government appeal for international assistance of US$7 million in cash and US$4.7 million in cash was launched last January to assist affected people in 73 affected counties.

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