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These papers are the result of a collaborative effort that has involved many people inside and outside the Organization. Preparation of the papers has been overseen by Mr Henri Carsalade (Assistant Director-General, Technical Cooperation Department), Mr Hartwig de Haen (Assistant Director-General, Economic and Social Department) and Ms Kay Killingsworth (Assistant Director-General/Special Adviser on World Food Summit Follow-up). The principal author of the first two chapters was Mr Andrew MacMillan, while Mr Kostas Stamoulis and Ms Aysen Tanyeri-Abur took the lead in preparing the third chapter. These authors benefited from the ideas, comments and suggestions of many colleagues throughout the Organization.

All three chapters were originally presented as meeting documents for the 27th session of the Committee on World Food Security, which took place in Rome at the end of May 2001. Many useful and pertinent suggestions were made by delegates at that meeting and these, as well as subsequent relevant events, have been taken into account in subsequent revisions.

The chapter entitled Mobilizing resources for agriculture in support of food security also served as the starting point for the deliberation of the High-Level Panel on Resource Mobilization, convened by the Director-General in June 2001. In finalizing the text, full consideration was also given to the observations of this Panel, which brought together senior representatives of all major international financing institutions, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Food Programme (WFP) under the chairmanship of Mr John Westley, Vice-President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). External reviewers of the chapter included Mr Peter Matlon and Ms Anne Thomson of UNDP, Mr Gershon Feder of the World Bank and Professor Marcel Mazoyer, Professor of the National Institute of Agronomy, Paris-Grignon.

The chapter entitled Fostering the political will to fight hunger benefited from external reviews by Mr David Beckmann, President, Bread for the World; Mr Ricardo Diez-Hochleitner, Honorary President, Club of Rome; His Excellency Harri Holkeri, President of the fifty-fifth session of the United Nations General Assembly (the Millennium Assembly) and Mr Clive Robinson, Christian Aid, Ethiopia.

While grateful for the contributions received from so many sources, the FAO Secretariat bears responsibility for the contents of this volume.

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