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Brummett, R. and Williams, M. 2000. "Evolution of Aquaculture in African Rural and Economic Development" Ecological Economics (33): 193 - 203.

CIFA. 2000. Prospects for Sustainable Commercial Aquaculture in Southern Africa, CIFA/00/7/, FAO Rome, 8 pp.

Howarth, W. 1995. "The Essentials of Aquaculture Regulation" pp 459-465 in Report on a Regional Study and Workshop on the Environmental Assessment and Management of Aquaculture Development, Project TCP/RAS/2253, FAO Rome.

Howarth, W. 1999. "Legislation for Sustainable Commercial Aquaculture: A Legal Perspective on the Holmenkollen Guidelines" pp. 319-334 in Legislation for Sustainable Commercial Aquaculture (eds. Svennevig et al.), Balkema, Rotterdam.

Kuemlangan, B. 1998. Zambia Draft Fisheries Legislation, Project TCP/ZAM/6613, FAO Rome, 112 pp.

Makawa, E. 2000. International Legal and Institutional Arrangements for the Management of Lake Malawi/Nyasa. Project TCP/RAF/6719, FAO Rome 38 pp.

Menezes, A.M. 2000. The Status of Commercial Shrimp Farming in Mozambique, 44 pp. Mimeo.

Naylor, R.L. et al. 2000. Effect of Aquaculture on World Fish Supplies in (45) Nature 1017-1024.

New, M. 1999. National Aquaculture Policies, with special reference to Namibia in pp. 303-318 Legislation for Sustainable Commercial Aquaculture (eds. Svennevig et al.), Balkema, Rotterdam.

Pires, F. and d'Almeida, I. 1996. Mozambique Shrimpculture Legislation, Project No. GCP/INT/606/NOR, FAO Rome 19 pp.

Ridler, N. and Hishamunda, N. 2000. Promotion of Sustainable Commercial Aquaculture in Sub-Saharan Africa, Volume 1. Policy Framework FAO Rome 2001, 67 pp.

Van Houtte, A., Bonucci, N. and Edeson, W. R. 1989. "A Preliminary Review of Selected Legislation Governing Aquaculture". Aquaculture Development and Coordination Programme FAO ADCP/Rep/89/42 FAO Rome 81 pp.

Van Houtte, A. (1996). Analyse de la législation sur l'aquaculture, Project MAG/94/002, FAO Rome 36 pp.

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