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ADB. 2000. Interim report - Key issues affecting the forestry resource sector. TA 3255-VIE. Study on the policy and institutional framework for forest resource management.

FAO. 1998. Participatory curriculum development in agricultural education, by A. Rogers and P. Taylor. Training Guide. Rome.

Helvetas. 1996. Social forestry training needs in Vietnam: summary of the results of a national survey.

Hoang Hoe. 1993. Social forestry in Vietnam. Paper presented to the Workshop on Agroforestry and Social Forestry for Rehabilitation of Degraded Land. HoChi Minh City. 29 Nov. to 1 Dec. 1993. SEAMEO-BioTrop.

Jarlind, H. 1998. SADC AAA 5.9 curriculum development, philosophy and procedure. Malawi: Lilongwe. SADC FSTCU Technical Publication series No.1.

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. 1998. Land laws and guidelines for implementation. Hanoi. Agricultural Publishing House.

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. 1998. Education and training laws. Hanoi. Education Publishing House.

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. 1999. Strategy on labour and development of human resources in agriculture and rural areas during industrialisation and modernisation era. Hanoi. Draft document.

Nguyen Q. H. 1993. More Tree Planting Based on Developing a Multi-sectoral Forest Economy. In Vietnamese Forestry Review, No. 11. p. 3-5. Hanoi. Ministry of Forestry.

Paul, B. 1997. Training in extension: issues and processes in the development of curricula in social forestry for tertiary education of foresters. Hanoi: Agriculture Publishing House.

Social Forestry Support Programme. 1999. Report of a curriculum review workshop: Hanoi, 30 September 1999.

Taylor, P. 1998. Participatory curriculum development in forestry education and training: an overview. Paper presented at the National Workshop on Local Knowledge and Biodiversity in Forestry Practice and Education. October 19-22, 1998. Visayas State College of Agriculture, ViSCA, Leyte, Philippines.

Taylor, P. 1999. Through the grassroots towards the trees - exploring participatory curriculum development in forestry education in Viet Nam. Paper presented at the First General Meeting of the Southeast Asia Network for Agroforestry Education (SEANAFE). 26-28 April 1999. UPLB, Los Baños, The Philippines. In Rudebjer, P. and R. del Castillo, eds. 1999. Training and Education Report No. 49. Nairobi. ICRAF.

Taylor, P. 2000. New perspectives, new curricula. A case study of participatory curriculum development in forestry education in Vietnam. Discussion paper prepared for the Forestry Education Workshop. Vietnam, April 2000.

Vu Tu Lap and C. Taillard. 1994. Atlas du Viet-Nam. Collection Dymamiques du Territoire No.13. Montpellier: Reclus: La Documentation.

Vo Tong Xuan et al. 1996. Community-based natural resource management network. A Research Proposal Submitted to IDRC. Can Tho University: FSRC.


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