FRA 2000 results and documents are available on the FAO Forestry Web site at (FRA subject page) and (FAO Forestry country profiles). This appendix lists the FRA Working Papers to date and gives an introduction to the contents of the FAO Forestry country profiles.
The below list contains the FRA Working Papers as of 1 August 2001. The papers are available on line at Papers can also be requested by e-mail to [email protected], or by ordinary mail to FAO, Forestry Department, FRA Programme, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy.
E/F/S/P refers to the languages English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
1998 |
1. |
FRA 2000 Terms and Definitions (18 pp. - E/F/S/P) |
2. |
FRA 2000 Guidelines for assessments in tropical and
subtropical countries (43 pp. - E/F/S/P) |
1999 |
3. |
The status of the forest resources assessment in the
South-Asian subregion and the country capacity building needs. Proceedings of
the GCP/RAS/162/JPN regional workshop held in Dehradun, India, 8-12 June 1998.
(186 pp. - E) |
4. |
Volume/Biomass Special Study: georeferenced forest volume data
for Latin America (93 pp. - E) |
5. |
Volume/Biomass Special Study: georeferenced forest volume data
for Asia and Tropical Oceania (102 pp. - E) |
6. |
Country Maps for the Forestry Department website (21 pp. - E)
7. |
Forest Resources Information System (FORIS) - Concepts and
Status Report (20 pp. E) |
8. |
Remote Sensing and Forest Monitoring in FRA 2000 and beyond.
(22 pp. - E) |
9. |
Volume/Biomass special Study: Georeferenced Forest Volume Data
for Tropical Africa (97 pp. - E) |
10. |
Memorias del Taller sobre el Programa de Evaluación de
los Recursos Forestales en once Países Latinoamericanos (pp. 194 -
S) |
11. |
Non-wood forest Products study for Mexico, Cuba and South
America (draft for comments) (82 pp. - E) |
12. |
Annotated bibliography on Forest cover change - Nepal (59 pp.
- E) |
13. |
Annotated bibliography on Forest cover change - Guatemala (66
pp. - E) |
14. |
Forest Resources of Bhutan - Country Report (80 pp. -
E) |
15. |
Forest Resources of Bangladesh - Country Report (93 pp. -
E) |
16. |
Forest Resources of Nepal - Country Report (78 pp. -
E) |
17. |
Forest Resources of Sri Lanka - Country Report (77 pp. -
E) |
18. |
Forest plantation resource in developing countries (75 pp. -
E) |
19. |
Global forest cover map (14 pp. - E) |
20. |
A concept and strategy for ecological zoning for the global
FRA 2000 (23 pp. - E) |
2000 |
21. |
Planning and information needs assessment for forest fires
component (32 pp. - E) |
22. |
Evaluación de los productos forestales no madereros en
América Central (102 pp. - S) |
23 |
Forest resources documentation, archiving and research for the
Global FRA 2000 (77 pp. - E) |
24. |
Maintenance of Country Texts on the FAO Forestry Department
Website (25 pp. - E) |
25. |
Field documentation of forest cover changes for the Global FRA
2000 (40 pp. - E) |
26. |
FRA 2000 Global Ecological Zones Mapping Workshop Report
Cambridge, 28-30 July 1999 (53 pp. - E) |
27. |
Tropical Deforestation Literature:Geographical and Historical
Patterns in the Availability of Information and the Analysis of Causes (17 pp. -
E) |
28. |
World Forest Survey - Concept Paper (30 pp. - E) |
29. |
Forest cover mapping and monitoring with NOAA-AVHRR and other
coarse spatial resolution sensors (42 pp. E) |
30. |
Web Page Editorial Guidelines (22 pp. - E) |
31. |
Assessing state & change in Global Forest Cover: 2000 and
beyond (15 pp. - E) |
32. |
Rationale & methodology for Global Forest Survey (60 pp. -
E) |
33. |
On definitions of forest and forest change (13 pp.-
E) |
34. |
Bibliografía comentada. Cambios en la cobertura
forestal: Nicaragua (51 pp. - S) |
35. |
Bibliografía comentada. Cambios en la cobertura
forestal: México (35 pp. - S) |
36. |
Bibliografía comentada. Cambios en la cobertura
forestal: Costa Rica (55 pp. - S) |
37. |
Bibliografía comentada. Cambios en la cobertura
forestal: El Salvador (35 pp. - S) |
38. |
Bibliografia comentada. Cambios en la cobertura forestal:
Ecuador (47 pp. - S) |
39. |
Bibliografia comentada. Cambios en la cobertura forestal:
Venezuela (32 pp. - S) |
40. |
Annotated bibliography. Forest Cover Change: Belize (36 pp. -
E) |
41. |
Bibliografia comentada. Cambios en la cobertura forestal:
Panamà (32 pp. - S) |
42. |
Proceedings of the FAO Expert Consultation to Review FRA 2000
Methodology for Regional and Global Forest Change Assessment. Rome 6-10 March
2000. |
43. |
Bibliografia comentada. Cambios en la cobertura forestal:
Colombia (32 pp. - E) |
44. |
Bibliografia comentada. Cambios en la cobertura forestal:
Honduras (42 pp. - E) |
2001 |
45. |
Proceedings of South Asian Regional Workshop on Planning,
Database and Networking for Sustainable Forest Management, Thimpu, Bhutan, 23 -
26 May 2000 (263pp. - E) |
46. |
Global Forest Survey - Field Site Specification and
Guidelines |
47. |
Proceedings from regional workshop on forestry information
services. Stellenbosch, South Africa. 12-17 february 2001 (69 pp. - E) |
48. |
Forest cover assessment in the Argentinean regions of the
Monte and Espinal (E) |
49. |
Pan tropical survey of forest cover changes 1980-2000
(E) |
50. |
Global forests cover mapping - final report |
51. |
FRA 2000 Data collection for Pacific Region - FAO wshop -
Apia, Samoa |
52. |
Causas y tendencias de la deforestación en
América Latina (S) |
53. |
Forest occurring species of conservation concern: Review of
status of information for FRA 2000 (E) |
54. |
Assessing Forest Integrity and Naturalness in Relation to
Biodiversity. Forest Resources Assessment Programme (E) |
55. |
Global forest fire assessment 1990-2000 (E) |
56. |
Global ecological zoning - final report (E) |
57. |
Ecofloristic zone mapping (E) |
58. |
FRA 2000 Project Processes (E) |
FRA 2000 hectaress produced large quantities of information by country, some of which is summarized in this report mainly in the form of country statistics (see Appendix 3). The main publication of country information is, however, made on the FAO Forestry website, in the Forestry country profiles. These country profiles aim at a comprehensive presentation of the forest sector of each country, which includes also other aspects than those covered by FRA 2000. A large proportion of the currently (1 July 2001) published information is however derived from FRA 2000 work.
Currently, the FAO Forestry country profiles contain more than 20 000 published pages covering 213 countries, four languages and up to
30 unique pages by country. The majority of these pages are related to FRA 2000 and include: