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This publication was originally conceived by Mr. José María Caballero, Ms. Maria Grazia Quieti and Mr. Romano Pantanali.

The following divisions of FAO contributed with constructive comments, provision of information and bibliographical references:

Research, Extension and Training Division on Chapter 6 ‘Agricultural research’;

Investment Centre Division on Chapter 7 ‘Technology and advice services’;

Agricultural Support Systems Division on Chapters 8 ‘Rural financial services’ and 9 ‘Input and equipment supply and crop marketing services’;

Animal Production and Health Division on Chapter 10 ‘Veterinary services’;

Land and Water Development Division on Chapter 11 ‘Water resource management services’.

Special thanks to Mr. Francois Dauphin and Mr. Juan Antonio Sagardoy for their comments on services related to technology advice and water resource management, respectively.

The views expressed in these chapters, however, are not to be taken as the official position of these divisions on the agricultural services described. They are to be ascribed to the authors only.

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