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Appendix I - Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, 30 May 2001

1. Welcome and Opening by Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, Namibia

2. Election of Chairman

3. Adoption of agenda

4. Introduction on meeting objectives and anticipated work of the meeting

5. Reporting of the meeting

6. Treatment and Confidentiality of Commercial Catch and Effort Data provided to the Ad hoc Working Group on Management of Deepwater Fisheries Resources of the Southwest Indian Ocean

7. Documentation of fishing areas - evaluation of management areas

8. Documentation of fishing methods

9. Documentation of target species

10. Documentation of past catch - by species, region/area/sea mount/date/ country/gear type, etc.

11. Documentation of past associated effort by species, region/area/sea mount etc./date/country/gear type, etc.

12. Documentation of by-catch information

13. Documentation of relevant population parameters

14. Documentation of any past or current deep-sea research/management activities

15. Proposals and plans for:

i. future data collection and data collection
ii. archiving of data
iii. reporting of data
iv. Securing of missing data

16. Proposals and plans for future stock assessment work

17. Proposals and plans for future research work

18. Recommendations to governments?

- reporting of catches
- anticipated management problems

19. Other agenda items

20. Another meeting?

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