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Integration of new tools into long-term breeding strategies

- ABD EL-DAYEM. Evaluation and genetic identification of some Populus species by using polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis separation of total soluble proteins.

- ALBA, AGUNDEZ, ALIA. Genetic variation in Populus alba. L. A comparison of isozyme markers and quantitative traits.

- ALVAREZ, CERVERA, AGUNDEZ, ALBA, ZAPATER, GRAU. Identificaiton of different commercial clones of Populus using AFLPs.

- AUGUSTIN, FAIVRE RAMPANT, DELPLANQUE, LESAGE, VILLAR, BASTIEN. Quantitative trait loci linked with resistance in hybrid poplar to Chrysomela tremulae.

- BENEA, COROS. Performances of `ex situ' genetic resources of multicional Populus alba L. vitroplants.

- CHUNG, CARRASCO. Micropropagation of Salix spp. for foliate meristems.

- CONFALONIERI, SPARVOLI, BALESTRAZZI, CALLIGARI, BOLLINI. Transformation of elite white poplar (Populus alba L.) with stilbene synthase-encoding gene using Agrobacterium tumefaciens.

- FAIVRE RAMPANT, LESAGE, VILLAR, PRAT. Molecular genetic maps of Populus deltoides and P. trichocarpa.

- LU H, LI J, WANG SS, LI Y, JIANG XN, LI FL. Cloning of xylem-specific-expression promoter of glycine-rich-protein (GRP1.8) gene from Populus tormentosa and induced expression in teheroorganism Escherichia coli.

- MERTENS, ETIENNE. Aromatic fingerprinting of Populus.

- MOFIDABADI, MODIR-RAHMATI. Interspecific hybridization between Populus alba Oliv. and P. euphratica L. using ovule and ovary culture.

- MUHS, KALDORF, FLADUNG. Expression and stability in transgenic aspec clones under field conditions at Grosshandsdorf.

- QIANG ZH, YIN TM, HUANG MR, WANG MX, WU RL. Molecular evolutionary relationships in the Populus genus.

- SU XH, ZHANG XH, LI JH, ZHANG QW, ZHENG XW. Identification of RAPD molecular markers for resistance against Alternaria alternata in Populus.

- YIN TM, HAUN MR. TU ZM, ZHANG XY, WANG MX, WU RL. A composite linkage map for Populus based on RAPD, AFLP and microsatellite markers.

- YIN WL, DUAN LS, HE ZP. Studies on immunological analysis and expression of Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) toxin protein in transgenic poplar.

- ZHANG TZ, WANG CS, HU XL. Tissue culture on triploids of Chinese white poplar.

Environmental role of poplars and willows

- FANG SZ, XU XZ, YU X, LI ZC. Poplar in agroforestry: a case study for its ecological benefits, site productivity and economics.

- LICHT. Ecolotree Systems - poplar-based environmental engineering.

- MATTHEI. Salicaceae in the recovery of the state of balance in the tideland. The Potrerada flowing with sedimentary characteristics in the table of sand in the basin of the Bio Bio River, Chile.

- RIDDEL-BLACK, BERTHOLDSSON. Phytoremediation of heavy metal contaminated land using willow practical reality or impossibility?

- RIDDELL-BLACK, MARSHALL, FERGUSON. Salix as a means of cost effective, onsite management of landfill leachate.

Conservation of genetic and environmental resources

- BACH, BAGAMERY, BORDACS, GABNAI, BOROVICS, GERGACZ. Active gene preservation program for black poplar (Populus nigra L.) in Hungary.

- CASTIGLIONE, FOSSATI, GRASSI, BOLLOTTA, BISOFFI, SALA. Studies of population genetics through microsatellite analysis of Populus nigra L. growing on Ticino river banks.

- KAJBA, VRATARIC. Conservation of European black poplar (Populus nigra L.) genetic resources in Coratia.

- OBALLA. Genetic diversity and regeneration studies of Populus ilicifolia.

- ORLOVIC, GUZINA, KOVACEVIC. Genetic variability of the physiological characters of black poplar clones and their importance for breeding.

- VANDENBROECK, VANSLYCKEN, HALFMAERTEN, DEPRAETER. Isozyme polymorphism in the Belgian and Hungarian Populus nigra gene bank and the Euforgen Populus nigra core collection.

- VANDENBROECK, COX, VANSLYCKEN, HALFMAERTEN. Genetic pollution and mating systems in an artificial stand of black poplar (Populus nigra L.).

Willow improvement and production

- KAJBA, BOGDAN. Improvement of arborescent willows and miltispecies hybrids by hybridization, transgression, backcrossing, selfing and inbreeding.

- PAN MJ, TU ZY, GUO Q, WANG BS. The potential of willow genetic improvement.

- VOLK, BALLARD, ROBINSON, ABRAHAMSON. Effect of cutting storage conditions on the survival and early growth of four willow clones.

- WANG BS, PAN MJ. Study on willow tolerance to water stress.

- ZHANG JQ, YIN WL, BI QL, ZHANG YL, WANG Y, WANG GZ. Breeding of new willow varieties for saline-alkali soil plantation.

World breeding perspectives

- FILAT, BENEA. Quantitative and qualitative performances of poplar clones tested in the Danube valley and Danube delta.

- GRULOIS. Past, present and future of a Center for Poplar Culture in Hainaut (Walloon Region-Belgium).

- KHAN. Comparative growth of several half-sib families of American origin of Populus deltoides Bartr. in Pakistan.

- LI KL. Recent advances in genetics and breeding of Populus davidiana Dode in China.

- SIDHU. Genetic evaluation of poplar clones introduced from different organizations in nursery and field under Punjab (India) conditions.

- TSAREV. Poplar breeding in Russia.

- YANG ZX. Breeding of P. simonii in the three northern areas of China.

World production perspectives

- BASCUR, TAPIA, COVARRUBIAS. Study of agri-forestry system, polar (Populus x euramericana cv. I-488) and crops: use of associated crops. VI Región, Chile.

- BORODOWSKI, SUAREZ. Silvopastoral system in the Argentine Delta Region.

- BRITT. Poplars: a multiple-use crop for European arable farmers (PAMUCEAF): project overview.

- CALDERON, BUSTAMANTE, MICALI, RIU, SOMOZA, SETTEPANI. Populus sp. behaviour in different places of Mendoza, Argentina.

- EL-BAJOURY, ABD-ALLAH, ABD EL-DAYEM, ISMAIL. Effect of environment conditions on some poplar species.

- FORTIN, GAGNON. Expansion of aspen (Populus tremuloides) in the Gaspé Peninsula, Québec, Canada, during the XXth century.

- GALIC, IVANISEVIC. Effect of variability of alluvial soil properties in the middle Danube basin on the productivity of some black poplar clones.

- HYNYNEN, KARISSON. Intenwsive management of hybrid aspen in Finland.

- IVANISEVIC, RONCEVIC, GALIC, ANDRASEV. Characteristics of soil used for poplar and willow growing in Yugoslavia.

- LYONS. Poplars: a multiple-use crop for European arable farmers (PAMUCEAF): Task 4 - A GIS-based analysis of suitable areas for poplar production in Europe.

- PETROSYAN. Planting hybrid poplars in Armenia.

- RONCEVIC, IVANISEVIC, ANDRASEV. Productivity of the selected poplar clones in the river Sava floodplain.

- SPANOS, KOUKOS, GIAKZIDIS. First results on growth of ten poplar clones in an experimental planting for biomass production in N. Greece.

Breeding and genetics

- GEYER, DeWYKE, WALAWENDER. Properties of young Populus clones.

- GONZALES ANTONANZAS, GRAU, SIXTO, MONTOTO. Comparison of new P. x interamericana clones in medium altitude areas.

- GRAU, GONZALES ANTONANZAS, SIXTO, HERNANDEZ. Comparison of known poplar clones in medium altitude areas.

- KHURANA. performance of hybrids of Populus ciliata x maximowiczii in field trials.

- KOSOLA, DICKMANN. Genetic and environmental controls on root phenolics, leaf phenolics and growth in cottonwood.

- LI JY. ZHANG ZY. Studies on variations in growth, photosynthetic, and morphological traits and correlation analysys in new clones of Populus tormentosa Carr.

- MERTENS. Cirumference-heigh relationship for cv. P. x Ghoy, P. x Beaupré and P. x Boelare.

- MICHIELS, STEENACKERS M., STEENACKERS V., VANSLYCKEN. A long-term planned P. trichocarpa breeding program, including domestication.

- ZALESNY, RIEMENSCHNEIDER, BAUER. Analysis of genetic and environmental effects on hybrid poplar rooting in Central and Northern Minnesota, USA.

- ZHANG TZ, ZHAN TT. Study of new hybrid clones of the white poplar.

- ZING XT, ZHANG ZY, CHANG WJ. Studies on variation and selection of wood properties in triploid clones of Populus tormentosa Carr.


- McNABB, HALL, HARRINGTON, HART, MAHAMA. Pest-resistant cottonwood clones for the north central region of the United States.

- MOTTET, PERINET. Breeding for resistance to Septoria canker in Québec, Canada.

- STEENACKERS, MAES, VAN PETEGHEM. Spread of the watermark disease Brenneria salicis in arborescent willows.


- CASAUBON, CUETO, HODARA, GONZALES. Attack of Platypus suicatus Chapuis plague to a commercial plantation of Salix babylonica x Salix alba cv 131/27 from the low delta of the Paraná river (Argentina).

- GULER, CAN. Problčme concernant Sciapeteron tabaniformis Rott. dans les pépiničres de peuplier.

- NEBEKER, WARRINER, HART. Cottonwood leaf beetle in fiber farms: predicting emergence and development.

- OZAY. The insect pests on willows in Mamara region in Turkey.

- SADEGHI. Host preference of poplar leaf beetle, Melasoma populi (L.) on four different poplar species.

- SELEK. The harmful Lepidoptera species of poplar in Izmit and Sakarya region in Turkey.

- WANG XN, DAN D, CHU XM, GU WM, JIA HD, YUAN CL. Study on restraint cause of I-69 etc to eggs hatching of Anoplophora glabripennis.

Logging and utilization

- BAONZA MERINO, GUTIERREZ OLIVA. Populus clones veneer yield and quality along thunks.

- CASTRO, PAGANINI. Poplar-Eucalyptus glued laminated timber.

- GUTIERREZ OLIVA, BAONZA MERINO, PLANA CLAVER. Wood properties from 12 clones of the poplars grown in the province of Zaragoza (Spain).

- HUA YK, LU XN. Production technology of three-layers thick core plywood from poplar.

- HUA YK, ZHOU DG. The research and production of surface lines oriented strand board from poplar.

- MOLNAR, PESZLEN, SZOJÁKNÉ TÖRÖK, GÖBÖLÖS. Wood quality of Hungarian Leuce hybrids.

Growth and yield

- BENEA, SAVULESCU. Biomass potential of short-rotation poplar and willow plantations, tested in the Danube delta.

- BORODOWSKI, SUAREZ. Density effect on the Populus deltoides Marsh. cv. Catfish 5 individual growth in the Argentine Delta.

- BORODOWSKI, SUAREZ. Seasonal growth for three clones of Populus deltoides in the Argentine Delta.

- BORODOWSKI, SUAREZ. Reineke Density index for cottonwood: analysis of published data.

- DINER, KOÇAR. Biomass production from `1-214'poplars.

- MARKOVIC, RONCEVIC, ANDRASEV. Poplar biomass production in short rotations.

- ZHU CQ, LIU XD, SONG LX, GHENG GZ, WANG SJ. Growth and yield of intensive and extensive cultured poplar plantation.

Physiology and nutrition

- BENO, COLEMAN, FRIEND. Cottonwood fine root perception of N-enriched soil microsites: influence of whole-plant nutrition.

- CASADO SANZ, GUTIERREZ OLIVA. Growth stresses in five clones of Populus x euramericana: I-214, Canadá Leonés, I-262 and I-MC in Spain.

- CHAKRAVARTY, KHASA, THOMAS, ROBERTSON. Effect of mycorrhizal fungi, bacteria, a rooting hormone, and three levels of fertilizers on the gowth and nutrient uptake of poplar cuttings.

- CHEN S, WANG S, HUTTERMANN, ALTMAN. Xylem ABA accelerates leaf senescence by modulating polyamine and ethylene biosynthesis in water-stressed poplar plants.

- FUNG, GREER, NORLING, HURST. Spring and autumn frost tolerance of two poplar clones.

- GREEN, KRUGER, STANOSZ, ISEBRANDS. Assessing the determinants of canopy light-use efficiency among native and hybrid poplar in a high-density planting.

- JIANG XN., WANG TH., CHEN XM., GAG XY. Simulation of plant growth and eco-physiology by L-system based: fractal generated: Turtle interpreted computer graphics.

- KHASA, CHAKRAVARTY, THOMAS, ROBERTSON, DANCIK. Use of microbial inoculants in populiculture.

- KHURANA, NARKHEDE, CHANDRASHEKHAR. Rooting behaviour - an indicator of plantation success and growth in poplars.

- MEIRESONNE, NADEZHDINA, CEMAK, VANSLYCKEN, CEULEMANS. Transpiration of a monoclonal poplar stand: model calibration and validation.

- THARAKAN, ABRAHAMSON, ROBISON, ISEBRANDS, NOWAK, VOLK, WHITE. Coppice effects on willow and hybrid poplar stem attributes and biomass production.

- ULZEN-APPIAH, BRIGGS, ABRAHAMSON, BICKELHAUPT. Assessing soil organic matter changes in short rotation intensive culture systems using soil microbial biomass carbon.

- VAN DEN DRIESSCHE. Reponse of hybrid poplar clones to fertilization applied at planting on a Vancouver Island site.

- WANG TH., JIANG XN. Purification of tonoplast from Populus euphratica and its H+-pumping activity under salt stress.

- ZENGIN, KARAKAS. Effects of early years nitrogen fertilization on the growth of poplar plantation inTurkey.

- ZHU CQ, LIU XD, YIN WL, LEI JP, WANG FG, CHENG GZ. The vertical distribution and seasonal dynamic of leaf area in poplar plantation.

Production technology and growing systems

- FENG ZF, SONG BM, HAN YS, WANG MZ, LIU YJ, REN JZ. Study on technology of poplar deep planting in Keerqia sand land.

- FRAGA, SOTO. Crop rotation effect over poplar three growth on sandy soil in Chile.

- IRAIRA, PONCE, TORRES, ANGULO. Intercropping of Lolium perenne of Populus deltoides Marsh poplar of different age: production and quality evaluation.

- KOÇAR, DINER. The economic impact of technological innovations in poplar plantations.

- LU W, BAO J, SONG BM, GAO ZH. Research on introduction and afforestation of poplar clones in Korquin sandy lands.

- LU W, ZHANG WD, FENG ZF, BAO J, SONG BM, GAO ZH., HAN YS. Primary research on complex evaluation of poplar clone introduction in sandy land.

- PÉRINET, ROBERT. Nursery production of 1-0 bareroot poplar stecklings in Québec.

- PONCE, IRAIRA, ANGULO. Intercropping of LoliUm perenne with Populus deltoides Marsh poplar of different ages: Economic evaluation.

- SARIBAS. Actual problems of poplar growing in Turkey.

- SONG BM, WANG MZ, GAO ZH, LIU YJ, RENG XC, ZHANG WD, WANG YX, ZHOU RX, FENG ZF, YU GS, CHEN S, SIGAUD. Test and analysis of afforestation techniques of poplar with medium-depth planter in Korqin sandy lands.

- TAPIA, BASCUR, COVARRUBIAS. Study of agri-forestry system, poplar (Populus x euramericana cv. I-488) and crops: Crops planting and space to the trees. VI Region, Chile.

- ULUDAG. An experiment on selection of the most convenient spacings in the production of Populus nigra (Gazi) saplings.

- ZORALIOGLU, ULUDAG, KOÇAR. Investigations on the methods of biomass production from poplar plantations.

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