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Aragon, C.T., Cosico, J., & Salayo, N. 1985. Tilapia marketing in Laguna Province, Philippines, p. 206-218, In: I.R Smith, E.B. Torres and E.O. Tan (eds). Philippine tilapia economics. ICLARM Conference Proceedings 12. Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development, Los Banos, Laguna, and ICLARM, Manila, Philippines.

BFAR [Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources]. 1993. Medium-Term Fisheries Management and Development Program: a Component of the Medium-Term Agricultural Development Plan (MTADP). Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Department of Agriculture, Quezon City, Philippines.

BFAR. 1995. 1994 Philippine Fisheries Profile. Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Department of Agriculture, Quezon City, Philippines.

Bimbao, M.P., & and Smith, I.R. 1988. Philippine tilapia economics: industry growth and potential, p.539-551. In: R.S.V. Pullin, T. Bhukaswan, K. Tonguthai and J.L. Maclean (eds). Second International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. ICLARM Conference Proceedings 15. Department of Fisheries, Bangkok, Thailand, and ICLARM, Manila, Philippines.

Bimbao, M.P., & Ahmed, M. 1990. Market potential of tilapia in the Philippines: an assessment. Paper prepared for the Asian Regional Workshop on Tilapia Genetics: Present Progress, Future Directions and Needs in Fish Genetics with Emphasis on Tilapias, Central Luzon State University, Munoz, Nueva Ecija, Philippines, 29-31 August 1990.

Bimbao, M.P. Ahmed, M., Pomeroy, R.S., & Pullin, R.S.V. 1994. The economic potential of tilapia farming in Asia: the Philippine experience. p.157-172, In: Y.C. Shang, P.S. Leung, C.S. Lee, M.S. Su, and I.C. Liao (eds). Socioeconomics of aquaculture. Tungkang Marine Laboratory Conference Proceedings, 4.

Bimbao, M.P., & Ahmed, M. 1996. Regional trends in tilapia production and prices in the Philippines, p. 476-487. In: R.S.V. Pullin, J. Lazard, M. Legendre, J.B. Amon Kothias and D. Pauly (eds). Third International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. ICLARM Conf. Proc. 41.

Bouis, H. 1991. Food demand elasticities by income group by urban and rural populations for the Philippines. International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, D.C.

Congress of the Philippines. 1998. The Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998. Republic Act No. 8550. 59 p.

Congress of the Philippines, 1997. The Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act of 1997. Republic Act No. 8550. 59 p.

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Dey, M.M., & Bimbao, G.B. 1995. Policy imperatives for sustainable aquaculture development in Asia: lessons from Bangladesh, the Philippines and Thailand. Paper presented at the Regional Workshop on Aquaculture Sustainability and the Environment, 6-12 October 1995, Beijing, China. ICLARM contribution No. 1238.

Del Mundo, R.D., Del Mundo, P., Gorospe, M., & Macas, R. 1997. Production and marketing of cage-reared tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Taal Lake, Agoncillo, Batangas (ISTA VI).

Eddie, G.C. 1983. Support and development of the retail trade in perishable fishery products. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap., No.235.

Escover, E.M., Salon, O.T., & Lim, C.P. 1985. Tilapia marketing in Bicol, Philippines, p. 192-205, In: I.R Smith, E.B. Torres and E.O. Tan (eds). Philippine tilapia economics. ICLARM Conference Proceedings 12. Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development, Los Banos, Laguna, and ICLARM, Manila, Philippines.

Estrada, J.U., & Bantilan, C.S. 1991. Supply and demand elasticities for major agricultural commodities in the Philippines: National and regional estimates. ACIAR/ISNAR Project Paper No. 36, March 1991. 29 p.

Gonzales, L.A. 1985. Philippine tilapia marketing in the context of structural demand for protein: a comment, p. 232-237, In: I.R Smith, E.B. Torres and E.O. Tan (eds). Philippine tilapia economics. ICLARM Conference Proceedings 12. Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development, Los Banos, Laguna, and ICLARM, Manila, Philippines.

FAO. 1990. Report of the workshop on fishery credit and marketing development. Bangkok, Thailand, 13-17 November 1989. FAO Fisheries Report, No.435. 86 p.

FAO/NACA. 1995. Regional study and workshop on the environmental assessment and management of aquaculture development.. TCP/RAS/2253. NACA Environment and Aquaculture Development Series No. 1. Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-Pacific, Bangkok, Thailand. 492 p.

Geron, M.P.S. 1993. The role of fisheries in the Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP), 1993-1998. Paper presented at the National Seminar-Workshop on the Evaluation and Review of Philippine Fisheries Policy. ISMED. University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines. 27 September 1993.

Gomez, C.E. 1986. An analysis of household demand for selected seafoods in the Philippines. Unpublished Masters Thesis. UPLB, Laguna, Philippines.

Guerrero, R.D. 1985. Tilapia farming in the Philippines: practices, problems and prospects, p.3-14, In: I.R Smith, E.B. Torres and E.O. Tan (eds). Philippine tilapia economics. ICLARM Conference Proceedings 12. Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development, Los Banos, Laguna, and ICLARM, Manila, Philippines.

Guerrero, R.D. 1986. Commercial production of tilapia in freshwater ponds and cages in the Philippines. Paper presented during the First National Symposium and Workshop on Tilapia farming, 24-26 November 1986, Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.

Guerrero, R.D. 1987. Tilapia farming in the Philippines. Metro Manila, Philippines: National Bookstore, Inc.

Guerrero, R.D. 1997. A guide to tilapia farming. Bay, Laguna, Philippines: Aquatic Biosystems.

ICLARM. 1998. Dissemination and evaluation of genetically improved tilapia species in Asia: final report. Asian Development Bank Regional Technical Assistance No. 5558, ICLARM, Philippines. 151 p.

Israel, D.C., & Roque, R.R. 1999. Toward the sustainable development of the fisheries sector: an analysis of the Philippine Fisheries Code and Aquaculture and Fisheries Modernization Act. PIDS Discussion Paper No. 99-01, January 1999.

Legaspi, A.S. 1997. Towards a gender approach, placing women at the center of fisheries community development. SEAFDEC. Training Department. Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Coastal Fisheries Management Based on Southeast Asian Experiences, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 19-22 November 1996. p.332-342.

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Oliva, L.P. 1985. Tilapia marketing in Mindanao, Philippines, p. 219-231, In: I.R Smith, E.B. Torres and E.O. Tan (eds). Philippine tilapia economics. ICLARM Conference Proceedings 12. Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development, Los Banos, Laguna, and ICLARM, Manila, Philippines.

Navera, E.R. 1974. Fish marketing at Navotas Fish Landing and Market Authority in Navotas, Rizal, 1973-1974. Unpublished MS Thesis, University of the Philippines at Los Banos. 198 p.

NEDA [National Economic Development Authority.]. 1993. Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP), 1993-1998. NEDA, Manila, Philippines.

NEDA and ADB. 1992. Western Visayas Development Master Plan Study for Regional Development Council, Region VI. Part III: Pre-investment Studies Final Documents. Finfish Production. Detailed Report and Annexes, Vol. II. NEDA, Manila, and ADB, Manila, Philippines. 44 p. + Annexes.

Pullin, R.S.V. 1993. An overview of environmental issues in developing-country aquaculture, p.1-19, In: R.S.V. Pullin, H. Rosenthal and J.L. Maclean (eds). Environment and Aquaculture in Developing Countries. ICLARM Conf. Proc. 31.

Pullin, R.S.V., Bimbao, M.P., & Bimbao, G.B. 1994. World outlook for tilapia farming. Paper presented at the First International Symposium on Aquaculture, 9-11 June 1994, Boca del Rio, Vera Cruz, Mexico.

Rabanal, H.R. 1986. Status and prospects of shrimp farming in the Philippines. ASEAN/UNDP/FAO Regional Small-Scale Coastal Fisheries Development Project, Manila, Philippines. 29 p.

Salayo, N.D. 1989. Market integration in the Philippine milkfish industry. Unpublished MSc Thesis, University Pertanian Malaysia. 183 p.

Tietze, U. 1995. Socio-economic aspects and the role of credit in fish marketing development. INFOFISH International, 3(95): 19-24.

Torres, E.B., & Navera, E.R. 1985. Tilapia marketing in Central Luzon and Metro Manila, p.180-191, In: I.R Smith, E.B. Torres and E.O. Tan (eds). Philippine tilapia economics. ICLARM Conference Proceedings 12. Philippine Council for Agriculture and Resources Research and Development, Los Banos, Laguna, and ICLARM, Manila, Philippines.

U.N. 1974. The World food problem: proposals for national and international action. Provisional agenda from the United Nations World Food Conference, Rome, 6-16 November 1974.

Williams, M.J. 1995. A more profitable crop? Aquaculture and food security. p. 412-421. In: Proceedings of Sustainable Aquaculture '95, 11-14 June, Honolulu, Hawaii. PACON International, Hawaii, USA.

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Yap, F. 1999. Rural aquaculture systems in the Philippines. Aquaculture Asia, April-June: 45-50.

Yap, W.G. 1997. Can the Philippines produce enough fish for the multitude? Aquaculture Asia, April-June: 32-38.

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