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FAO regular serials related to aquaculture

FAO Aquaculture Newsletter - FAN

Issued in English two to three times a year since June 1992 by the Inland Water Resources and Aquaculture Service, Fishery Resources Division, FAO Fisheries Department, Rome, Italy. Distributed free of charge in member countries. Also available on the FAO Web site as mentioned below.

Contact: FAO-FIRI, Rome, 00100 Italy or [email protected]

Quarterly Aquatic Animal Disease Report (Asia-Pacific Region)

Published by NACA and FAO/FIRI since January 2001 as a contribution of FAO Project Assistance for the responsible movememt of live aquatic animals (TCP/RAS/6714). Contains reports of National Coordinators on prevalent diseases with epidemiological comments, on new national aquatic animal health regulations and on recently published literature.

Contact: NACA, P. O. Box 1040, Kasetsart P. O. Bangkok 10903, Thailand or [email protected]. See also Web site:

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