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Subject index

All K-series references, except when number is preceded by C (CD-ROM reference) or by W (Web site reference).

GENERAL: C002, C003, C005, C007

Abalone, biology and culture: 416, 550, 736

Administration, aquaculture: 133, 137, 203, 540, 541, 541.1, 616, 643, 647, 659, 663, 680.5, 698, 701, 707, 738.4, 738.5, 738.6, 708, 722.1, 731.1, 732, 734.5, 738, 739-742, 743

Agriculture, integrated with aqua-culture: 087, 123, 137, 169.1, 203, 269.5, 299, 383, 517.6, 550.5, 633, 653, 675, 685, 703-705, 707, 738.4, 738.5, 738.6, 733, 735, 738.2. W002, W021. See also Rice fields, aquaculture in

Algae, marine macro-, culture: See Seaweed, biology and culture

Algae, micro-, culture: 118, 358.5, 580.5, 677, 735

Anaesthesia, fish: 126

Animal husbandry, integrated with aquaculture: 044, 063, 074, 084.1, 084.2, 087, 108.1, 123, 125, 137, 203, 269.5, 371, 383, 465.5, 568, 605, 675, 703-705, 733, 737.7. C020. W021

Aquaculture, extensive: 055, 063, 074, 084.1, 084.2, 087, 111, 124, 125, 134, 137, 186, 228, 237, 240, 266, 323, 351, 356, 381, 452, 464, 474, 490, 493, 519.5, 523, 524, 530, 544.7, 545, 552, 557, 561, 568.3, 621, 623, 649, 668, 678, 707, 731.1, 738.4, 738.5, 738.6, 735, 743

Aquaculture, in warmwater ponds: 007, 008, 009, 015, 017, 018, 022, 023, 053, 056, 061, 063, 074, 084.1, 084.2, 126, 137, 150, 151, 203, 371, 380, 383, 463, 568, 605, 634, 658, 735. C020

Aquaculture, commercial: 056, 061, 063, 134, 135, 137, 180, 185, 186, 187, 203, 489, 589.5, 626, 627, 669, 677, 680.5, 700, 727, 731.1, 734, 736, 739-742. W050

Aquaculture, small-scale: 036.3, 048.1, 048.2, 091, 091.1, 116.1, 123, 139, 139.1, 140, 140.1, 147, 154, 156, 159, 179, 180, 190, 191, 192, 201.5, 220, 221, 291, 307, 319, 335, 380, 422, 430.4-430.6, 463, 473, 494, 498, 504.5, 505, 515-517, 517.6, 523.5, 524, 525, 544.2, 550.5, 562.5, 583, 592, 593, 608.5, 623, 626, 627, 648.5, 655, 656, 666, 667, 669, 674, 681, 682, 685, 685.1, 686, 700, 703-705, 731.1, 735, 743. C002, C020. W040

Aquaculturists, list of: 484, 549

Aquariology: 047, 052, 691

Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission: 577.4, 656. W011.1. See also Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission

Assistance, external technical: 189, 306, 322, 329, 377, 435, 442, 461, 462, 735

Bibliography, freshwater fish, Africa: 046, 060

Bibliography, freshwater fish, Latin America: 101, 272.5

Biodiversity: W021

Bioenergetics: 102

Biocontrol, pests: 735

Bird predation: 352

Book-keeping, management: 472, 503, 504, 634, 658

Bream, biology and culture: 010, 094, 126, 150, 151

Breeding, freshwater fish: 007, 017, 028.3, 056, 062, 063, 064, 069, 074, 076, 084.1, 084.2, 087, 098, 121, 121.1, 121.2, 126, 137, 148, 150, 151, 175, 203, 207, 260, 261, 295-298, 353, 383, 396, 416, 425, 505, 555, 634, 658, 683, 733, 735

Breeding, marine fish: 677, 736

Brine shrimp, biology and culture: 125.5, 309, 580.5, 677

Broodstock management: 353, 383, 396, 560, 590, 591, 658.3, 677, 683

Cage culture: 007, 018, 061, 063, 137, 163, 169.1, 186, 187, 196, 203, 211, 218, 251, 284, 361, 363, 381, 413-415, 426, 463, 467, 468, 515-517, 552, 557, 621, 649, 735, 736, 738. C020

Carps, Chinese, biology and culture: 016, 017, 018, 053, 056, 062, 063, 069, 074, 084.1, 084.2, 087, 094, 098, 115, 121, 121.1, 121.2, 126, 137, 148, 150, 151, 157, 175, 203, 207, 208, 357, 383, 675, 735

Carp, common, biology: 003, 005, 021, 053, 056, 062, 070, 102, 115, 126, 148, 150, 151, 383, 719

Carp, common, culture: 009, 017, 018, 020, 021, 038, 044, 056, 062, 063, 069, 074, 084.1, 084.2, 087, 094, 098, 121, 126, 137, 145.1, 150, 151, 203, 260, 261, 295-298, 383, 626, 627, 648, 675

Carps, Indian major, biology/culture: 014, 028.3, 053, 054, 056, 063, 076, 095, 126, 148, 150, 151, 157, 188, 212, 383, 463, 675, 680, 686.4

Catalogue, aquatic organisms: 049, 439, 445, 476, 487, 510.5, 577

Catfish, African, biology and culture: 061, 181, 383, 569

Catfish, Channel, biology and culture: 053, 062, 102, 126, 150, 151

Catfish, European, biology and culture: 062, 094, 126, 150, 151, 383

Chemicals, safe use in aquaculture: See Toxicants, aquatic organisms

Coastal aquaculture: 028.2, 042.1, 144, 154, 156, 159, 161, 163, 167, 170, 171, 174, 178, 186, 190, 191, 192, 201.5, 219, 220, 221, 240, 241, 266, 267, 268, 272, 273, 280, 299, 300, 301, 303, 310, 319, 327, 359, 361, 364, 365, 366, 419, 424, 438.5, 453, 455, 506, 513, 532, 544.7, 563, 577.2, 622, 653, 677, 733.9, 734, 735, 736, 743. W024

Coastal zone management: 575.1, 617, 644, 644.5, 645, 653, 658.7, 707, 738.4, 738.5, 738.6, 735. W024

Code of Conduct, aquaculture: 540, 541, 541.1, 641, 663, 665.9, 723, 724, 729. See also Responsible Fisheries

Codex Alimentarius: 605.5, 658.1, 658.2

Comisión de Pesca Continental para América Latina: see Commission for Inland Fisheries of Latin America

Comité des pêches continentales pour l'Afrique: see Committee for Inland Fisheries of Africa

Commission européenne consultative pour les pêches dans les eaux intérieures: see European Inland Fishery Advisory Commission

Commission for Inland Fisheries of Latin America: 101, 164, 165, 201, 232.1, 269, 272.5, 290, 313, 316, 351, 408, 414, 421, 434, 444, 479, 492, 537, 545, 555, 568.3, 582, 607, 626, 627, 636, 637, 638, 648. C020. W011.3, W040

Committee on Fisheries: 203.1, 233, 695, 696, 697

Committee for Inland Fisheries of Africa: 055, 060, 061, 163, 169.1, 195, 289, 294.5, 323, 354, 428, 429, 451, 477, 480, 492, 507, 510, 521, 523, 530, 535.5, 548, 567, 577.8, 582, 585, 602.5, 632, 632.7, 633. W011.2

Conference, technical, world: see Symposium and technical world conference

Commission générale des pêches pour la Méditerranée: see General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

Construction, brackishwater ponds: 134, 163, 201.5, 241, 267, 268, 273

Construction, freshwater ponds: 004, 056, 063, 074, 084.1, 084.2, 087, 137, 203, 211, 383, 430.4, 457, 478, 509, 536, 603, 604. C020

Consumption, human food: 580, 589.5, 647.3, 670, 731.1

Co-operative, marketing: 308

Crabs, biology and culture: 063, 163, 242, 735, 736

Credit, for development: 396.5, 542

Culture-based fisheries: see Aquaculture, extensive

Data base, aquaculture: see Information resources, aquaculture

Development, aquaculture: 005.1, 005.4, 007, 011.1, 011.3, 020.2, 028.1, 036.2, 036.3, 038.1, 038.2, 038.3, 038.4, 042.1, 042.2, 048.1, 051, 052.0, 055, 058, 059, 061, 062, 063, 069, 070, 071, 073, 074, 076, 077, 084.1, 084.2, 087, 088, 089, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 137, 152, 159, 161, 163, 169.1, 178, 179, 185, 186, 187, 189, 203, 233, 234, 240, 244, 257, 258, 273, 289, 291, 294.5, 299, 307, 316, 322, 325, 329, 333, 351, 354, 377, 378, 395, 396.3, 421, 422, 435, 444, 453, 454, 477, 480, 506, 508, 510, 511, 514, 517.6, 523.5, 527.5, 532, 538, 540, 544.2, 544.3, 544.7, 547, 550.3, 550.5, 552, 561, 563, 567,577.4, 577.8, 581, 583, 592, 593, 616, 618, 623, 631, 643, 647, 654, 655, 656, 659, 663, 666, 667, 668, 669, 680.5, 685.1, 700, 707, 708, 727, 731.1, 733.9, 734.5, 735, 738.4, 738.5, 738.6, 739-742, 743. C002. W002, W040, W050

Development, integrated river basin: 074, 169.1

Diseases and parasites: 007, 011, 018, 041, 042, 047, 048, 061, 063, 069, 070, 072, 118, 274, 299, 318, 383, 448, 471, 495, 527, 544, 558, 559, 568.5, 585, 589, 599, 607, 624, 634, 658, 677, 686.4, 701, 707, 738.4, 738.5, 738.6, 702.5, 712, 719.5, 732, 735, 743. C001. W001

Disinfecting ponds: 098, 137, 203, 568, 585, 605, 634, 658, 686.4. C020

Duckweed, use for aquaculture: 675, 735

Economics: 021, 036, 044, 047, 061, 063, 069, 092, 134, 145.1, 163, 167, 180, 182, 187, 272, 300, 308, 319, 329, 334, 335, 371, 396.3, 401, 438, 465.5, 472, 503, 504, 600, 634, 649, 658, 680.5, 731.1, 733

Education, opportunities: 485

Eels, biology and culture: 062, 063, 094, 102, 134, 162, 227, 255, 608.7, 720, 735

Effluents, fish farm: 158, 218, 251, 589.5

Effluents, heated: see Waste heat, aquaculture with

Employment, in aquaculture: 466

Endocrinology: 062, 148

Energetics, aquaculture: 134

Engineering, general: 211, 280, 343

Environment, impact of aquaculture on: 438.5, 550.3, 577.2, 621, 653, 663, 665, 680.5, 685.1, 686.4, 735. W024

Environmental management: 453, 506, 522, 532, 544.7, 550.3, 575, 575.1, 589.5, 609, 613, 617, 644, 644.5, 645, 658.7, 665, 691, 733, 734

Equipment, aquaculture: 056, 126, 134, 135, 137, 203, 211, 280, 381, 383, 536, 568, 603, 604, 605, 634, 658, 677. C020

Estuaries, brackishwater aquaculture in: 028.2, 134, 144, 154, 161, 163, 170, 171, 735

Ethical issues: 721, 722. W021

European Inland Fishery Advisory Commission: 006, 013, 021, 025, 036, 038, 040, 041, 042, 044, 047, 048, 053, 062, 082, 083, 093, 094, 109, 112, 114, 135, 143, 145.1, 158, 166, 202, 228, 232, 282, 283, 286, 287, 292, 352-354, 373, 412, 492, 517.5, 551, 565.7, 570, 582, 584, 608.7, 639, 640, 657, 687, 690, 720. W011.4

Evaluation, thematic, aquaculture development: 322

Extension, manuals for: 004, 056, 091, 091.1, 098, 116.1, 121, 121.1, 121.2, 126, 136, 138, 138.1, 139, 139.1, 140, 140.1, 150, 151, 201.5, 204, 205, 241, 243, 259, 267, 268, 270, 271, 293, 293.1, 294, 320, 321, 413, 414, 415, 418, 430.4-430.6, 458, 463, 472, 503, 504, 504.5, 515-517, 562.5, 658.3, 677, 698, 733, 735. C020

Extension services for aquaculture: 116.2, 133, 137, 160, 203, 289, 294.5, 322, 334.5, 354, 388, 517.6, 523.5, 544.2, 550.5, 553, 554, 562, 579, 583, 586, 593, 623, 628, 629.5, 648.5, 655, 667, 674, 685.1, 735

Feed composition: 102, 142.1, 168, 169, 337, 500, 501, 528

Feeds and feeding: 006, 007, 009, 021, 036, 040, 053, 061, 063, 074, 082, 084.1, 084.2, 085, 102, 137, 183, 203, 332, 337, 338, 371, 383, 403, 430.5, 447, 470, 473, 500, 501, 524, 528, 564, 580.5, 589.5, 607, 608, 634, 658, 647.3, 686.4, 702.5, 707, 738.4, 738.5, 738.6, 730, 733, 734.5, 735, 743

Fertilization and liming, ponds: 007, 009, 056, 061, 069, 074, 084.1, 084.2, 137, 203, 371, 383, 568, 605, 608, 686.4, 733, 735. C020

Field projects, FAO, publications of: 631, 667, 668

Filtration, water: 056, 134, 568, 605. C020

Floodplains, aquaculture in: 061, 100, 735

Food security, contribution to: 550.3, 700, 707, 738.4, 738.5, 738.6, 743. W021, W023

Food security, FAO Special Programme for: 685, 738.2. W023

Forestry, integrated with aquaculture: see Agriculture/forestry, integrated

Frogs, biology and culture: 744

Gender issues: see Women involvement

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean: 043, 064, 117, 118, 134, 240, 419, 492, 566, 582, 671, 672, 702. W011.5, W050

Genetics: 007, 017, 020.1, 036.1, 063, 141, 236, 287, 290, 353, 560, 590, 591, 707, 738.4, 738.5, 738.6

Genetic resources, utilization and conservation: 141, 236, 290, 482, 518, 519, 616, 621, 629.3, 632.4, 643, 649, 659, 680, 683, 719, 735

Genetically modified organisms: 722, 734.5, 737.4. W021

Geographical Information System, use of, for aquaculture: 259.5, 436, 446, 459, 465, 521, 577.8, 626, 627, 632, 648, 684, 735

Glossary: see Terminology, multilingual

Hatchery design and construction: 118.1, 157, 188, 212, 302, 305, 343, 358.6, 505, 634, 658

Hatchery management: 056, 062, 064, 093, 094, 098, 121.1, 121.2, 126, 134, 137, 150, 151, 183, 203, 260, 285, 295, 297, 302, 305, 311, 353, 358.5, 383, 396, 416, 425, 505, 580.5, 677, 680, 683, 686.4

Health management: see Diseases and parasites

Hybridization, fish: 007, 017, 020.1, 036.1, 069, 287, 683

Hygiene, international control: 025, 041, 042, 047, 048, 063, 072

Identification, aquatic organisms: 458, 495, 527, 587

Indicators, sustainability: 642

Indo-Pacific Fishery Commission: 116, 120, 237, 299, 355, 356, 452, 492, 552, 582. See also Asia-Pacific Fishery Commission

Information resources, aquaculture: 086, 182, 244.7, 269, 292.5, 430, 462, 483, 488, 492, 510.5, 511, 538, 544.4, 631, 688, 732, 743. C002, C003, C004, C005. W003, W005, W006, W007, W010, W022, W025, W026,.W040, W050

Introduction, exotic species: see Transplantation

Irrigation canals, aquaculture in: 350.5, 426, 467, 468. W021

Irrigation schemes, aquaculture integrated with: 269.5, 383, 517.6, 633, 685, 735, 738.2. See also Rice fields, aquaculture in

Lagoons, coastal aquaculture in: 038.1, 134, 144, 170, 171, 240, 266, 272, 339, 424, 513, 563

Lakes, aquaculture in: 074, 084.1, 084.2, 087, 125, 137, 165, 203, 218, 228, 237, 251, 313, 348, 356, 381, 493, 552, 649, 735

Larval food: 580.5, 677, 678

Legal aspects, aquaculture: 025, 041, 047, 048, 063, 072, 206, 405, 540, 544.7, 575.5, 616, 631.3, 642, 643, 647, 653, 659, 663, 676, 680.5, 686.4, 701, 707, 711, 722.1, 732, 734.5, 737.4, 738, 738.4, 738.5, 738.6, 739-742, 743. W020, W050

Liming, ponds: see Fertilization and liming

Literature, aquaculture: 384, 433, 470, 600, 601, 602, 631, 679, 688

Lobsters, biology and culture: 052.1, 063, 122.1, 439

Management, brackishwater ponds: 241, 267, 268, 520

Management freshwater ponds: 030, 044, 056, 061, 063, 069, 074, 084.1, 084.2, 098, 122, 137, 176, 203, 371, 383, 430.6, 463, 520, 545, 568, 605, 634, 658, 686.4. C020

Mangroves, biology and management: 144, 167, 170, 171, 299, 327, 544.7, 735

Manpower, aquaculture: 466

Marketing, aquaculture products: 074, 087, 137, 186, 203, 206, 308, 333, 334, 355, 396.6, 402, 406, 486, 489, 496, 520.5, 544.3, 556, 583.5, 588, 589.5, 625, 634, 652, 658, 676, 707, 738.4, 738.5, 738.6, 711, 743, 744. W025

Milkfish, biology: 001, 102, 115, 148

Milkfish, culture: 009, 063, 064, 163

Movement, aquatic organisms: see Traffic, live aquatic organisms

Mullets, biology: 039, 053, 062, 115, 148

Mullets, culture: 039, 062, 063, 094, 126, 134, 150, 151

Mussels, biology: 043, 045, 063, 070, 115

Mussels, culture: 043, 063, 069, 070, 167, 186, 355, 365, 366, 425, 676, 735, 736

Nematodes, culture as food organisms: 118, 580.5

Networking, technical co-operation: 544.4, 567, 576, 738.2. C002. W001, W025, W040, W050

Nursery, management: 093, 094, 118, 121, 121.1, 121.2, 126, 134, 137, 150, 151, 175, 203, 207, 261, 296, 298, 383, 677, 686.4

Nutrition, aquatic organisms: 102, 112, 274, 403, 471, 526, 558, 559, 607

Nutrition, humans: 395, 404, 496, 580, 647.3, 670

Nutritional requirements, salmonids: 006, 009, 013, 021, 036, 063, 082, 102, 274, 564

Nutritional requirements, shrimps: 336, 403

Nutritional requirements, warmwater fish: 009, 021, 053, 063, 082, 102, 274, 336, 403

Ornamental fish: see Aquariology

Oysters, biology and culture: 038.2, 038.3, 043, 063, 069, 070, 115, 167, 186, 187, 355, 362, 364, 431, 494, 676, 735, 736

Parasites, fish: see Diseases and parasites

Pearl culture: 074, 137, 203, 431

Pen culture: 063, 137, 163, 187, 203, 218, 251, 266, 272, 284, 319, 350.5, 381, 413, 414, 415, 426, 463, 467, 468, 552, 557, 735, 738

Pesticides, toxicity, aquatic organisms: 114

Physiology, brackishwater fish: 102, 148

Physiology, freshwater fish: 028, 062, 102, 126, 148, 150, 151

Phytoplankton, culture: see Algae, micro-

Pike, Northern, biology and culture: 024, 062, 094, 368

Pike-perch, biology and culture: 002, 062, 094, 126, 150, 151

Planning, aquaculture development: 182, 185, 187, 233, 234, 257, 258, 289, 294.5, 322, 323, 324, 325, 354, 378, 421, 444, 453, 454, 455, 506, 511, 520, 526.5, 527.5, 532, 533.5, 538, 540, 544.7, 547, 563, 616, 618, 640, 643, 647, 653, 659, 663, 680.5, 698, 707, 738.4, 738.5, 738.6, 708, 735, 743

Plants, higher, aquatic: see Vegetation, freshwater aquatic

Policies, aquaculture development: see Administration, aquaculture

Pollution, effects on aquaculture: 061, 067, 070, 114, 122, 134, 176, 206, 544.7, 629.3, 653, 734. W024

Polyculture, freshwater ponds: 137, 203, 383, 735

Polyculture, coastal waters: 407

Prawns, freshwater, biology and culture: 015, 022, 023, 032, 061, 063, 069, 070, 102, 115, 119, 187, 243, 270, 271, 367, 505, 561.5, 735

Products development: 308, 406, 417, 486, 520.3, 588, 589.5, 619, 670, 673, 605.5, 658.1, 658.2, 711, 713, 714, 734.5, 735, 743. W021, W025

Project formulation: 420, 440, 441

Public health: 122, 176, 293, 293.1, 395, 469, 520.3, 522, 544.7, 622, 670, 673, 676, 605.5, 658.1, 658.2, 686.4, 713, 714, 722, 735, 743. W021

Publications, FAO: see Information resources, aquaculture

Ranching, sea: 063, 664, 736

Recirculation systems: 135, 286, 292

Reclamation, ponds: 030

Regional aquaculture centres, training and research: 057, 063, 078, 079, 084.5, 084.6, 103, 104, 105, 108.1, 129, 153, 155, 182, 269.5, 272.5, 302-305, 309, 334, 336-338, 359-367, 371, 425, 435, 544.4, 544.7

Regional Fisheries Bodies (FAO): 492, 582. W011

Remote sensing for aquaculture: 222, 259.5, 323, 324, 390, 436, 446, 459, 465, 684

Reproduction of fish, controlled: see Breeding

Reproduction of fish, physiology: 062, 064, 126, 148, 150, 151

Research programmes, aquaculture: 005.3, 028.2, 078, 087, 103, 105, 115, 117, 129, 137, 148, 182, 203, 477, 480, 488, 507, 508, 510, 514, 524, 547, 551, 567, 618, 633, 641, 712, 731, 731.1. W050

Research techniques, aquaculture: 007, 015, 017, 082, 102, 109, 112, 114, 148, 286, 287, 292, 526

Reservoirs, aquaculture in: 074, 084.1, 084.2, 087, 111, 124, 125, 137, 203, 218, 228, 237, 251, 313, 350.5, 351, 356, 392, 452, 464, 474, 490, 493, 519.5, 523, 530, 545, 548, 552, 557, 561, 568.3, 578, 623, 630, 631.5, 633, 649, 678, 735, 738

Responsible fisheries, guidelines for: 575, 575.1, 609, 613, 616, 617, 643, 644, 644.5, 645, 658.7, 659, 730, 732. See also Code of Conduct, aquaculture

Rice fields, aquaculture in: 007, 018, 022, 061, 063, 074, 123, 125, 130, 381, 383, 449, 465.5, 504.5, 633, 733, 735, 738.2

Risk management: 401

Rivers, aquaculture in: 087, 100, 137, 203, 552

Rotifera, culture: 094, 580.5, 677

Saline, aquaculture in: 125.5, 134

Salmon, Atlantic, biology and culture: 006, 036, 094, 702.5

Salmon, Atlantic, nutrition: 006, 013, 036

Salmons, Pacific, biology and culture: 094, 118, 664

Scallops, biology and culture: 060.1, 082.1, 437, 664, 676, 736

Seabass, European, biology and culture: 043, 064, 110, 117, 118, 134, 186, 402, 520.5, 677

Seabream, gilthead, biology and culture: 043, 064, 117, 118, 186, 402, 520.5, 677

Sea-cucumber, biology and culture: 437, 736

Seaweed, biology, culture and products: 019, 063, 066, 167, 312, 326, 335, 340, 355, 358, 359, 370, 372, 407, 417, 418, 450, 583.5, 736

Sector surveys, national: 213-217, 245-249, 254, 281, 314, 341, 342, 344, 345, 349, 350, 369, 385-387, 393.4, 409, 410, 411, 412, 427, 428, 429, 451, 481, 508, 510, 512, 514, 533, 533.5, 534, 535, 539, 565, 565.1, 567, 608.5, 681, 682, 686, 727. W050

Sector surveys, regional: 375, 376, 379, 391, 393, 394, 396.3, 397, 398, 399, 400, 483, 491, 497, 510, 514, 551, 552, 567, 571, 572, 573, 574, 577.4, 577.8, 584, 589.5, 600, 610, 611,612, 614, 618, 620, 625, 626, 627, 632, 648, 652, 658.6, 658.8, 665.6, 676, 700. W050

Sector surveys, world: 614, 620, 658.6, 658.8, 665.6, 692, 693, 699

Sewage utilisation: see Wastewater

Shrimps, biology and culture: 015, 022, 023, 026, 029, 031, 032, 033, 034, 035, 042.1, 043, 061, 063, 064, 069, 070, 115, 118, 119, 142, 146, 156, 163, 167, 174, 219, 244, 266, 272, 273, 285, 300, 301, 302, 303, 305, 311, 317, 319, 355, 473, 505, 561.5, 629.3, 642, 647, 663, 680.5, 684, 686.4, 702.5, 722.1, 727, 734.5, 735, 736. C001

Small water bodies (SWB): see Reservoirs, aquaculture in

Snails, control: 122, 176

Socio-economic aspects: 063, 069, 074, 084.1, 084.2, 123, 137, 154, 163, 203, 289, 299, 307, 319, 328, 334, 396.3, 498, 502, 525, 527.5, 529, 548, 550.3, 568.3, 621, 642, 647, 649, 654, 698, 733, 735, 738

Soils, brackishwater ponds: 167, 273, 280

Soils, freshwater ponds: 007, 009, 253, 253.1, 288. C020

STATE of WORLD FISHERIES and Aquaculture (SOFIA): see Sector surveys, world

Statistics, imports/exports: 726. C006. W014, W025, W050

Statistics, production: 550.3, 577.4, 589.5, 629, 646, 649, 650, 651, 658.6, 658.8, 662, 665.6, 692, 693, 694, 699, 725, 731.1, 743. C006. W014, W050

Stocking, water bodies: see Transplantation

Study of and Strategy for International Fishery Research (SIFR): 477, 480, 508, 510, 514, 567, 641

Surveys, methodology: 211, 222, 280, 323, 324, 338, 348, 382, 390, 498, 502, 521, 525, 526.5, 529, 548, 563, 581, 592, 629, 650, 651, 654, 660, 661, 684, 698

Symposium and Technical World Conference: 007, 008, 009, 015, 017, 018, 022, 023, 032, 063, 069, 070, 071, 082, 135, 165, 228, 229, 287, 294.5, 354, 550.3, 738.4, 738.5, 738.6, 743

Taxonomy, aquaculture species: 510.5. W026

Terminology, aquaculture systems: 269, 286, 292, 292.5

Terminology, multilingual, aquaculture: 083, 096, 460, 660, 661. W012

Textbook, freshwater aquaculture: 004, 056, 515, 516, 517. C020

Tilapias, biology and culture: 004, 008, 009, 017, 018, 046, 050, 053, 060, 061, 062, 063, 069, 115, 137, 148, 203, 383, 396, 626, 627, 648, 675, 727

Topography, tools and surveys: 346, 382, 432, 456. C020

Toxicants, aquatic organisms: 114, 622, 686.4, 734.5

Trade, aquaculture products: see Marketing and Statistics, imports/exports

Traffic, live aquatic organisms: 025, 041, 042, 047, 048, 063, 072, 624, 701, 712, 732

Training needs, assessment: 443, 507

Training opportunities and institutions: 485

Training programmes: 005.2, 011.2, 020.1, 036.1, 070, 074, 079, 084.5, 084.6, 085, 087, 102, 104, 108.1, 137, 203, 211, 289, 317, 340, 383

Training publications: 004, 056, 091, 098, 102, 116.2, 121, 125.5, 126, 136, 136.1, 138, 139, 140, 148, 150, 151, 198, 201.5, 253, 253.1, 259, 260, 261, 269.5, 288, 294, 295-298, 320, 334, 336, 337, 346, 348, 363, 371, 382, 403, 407, 416, 417, 431, 432, 437, 443, 448, 456, 457, 472, 478, 503, 504, 509, 515, 516, 517, 520, 526, 536, 544.2, 544.4, 546, 563, 568, 569, 580.5, 581, 605, 634, 658, 677, 733, 735. C020

Transplantation, aquatic organisms: 061, 063, 069, 149, 228, 229, 237, 290, 373, 374, 475, 528.5, 540, 565.7, 568.3, 575, 578, 609, 613, 616, 621, 623, 624, 630, 631.3, 631.5, 632.4, 643, 649, 659, 665, 678, 734.5, 735, 738. W004

Transport, live products: 056, 064, 126, 137, 150, 151, 203, 260, 261, 282, 283, 383, 634, 658, 658.3

Trout, biology and culture: 006, 021, 036, 042.3, 070, 094, 102, 148

Trout, nutrition: 006, 013, 021, 036, 102

Tunas, biology and culture: 201

Turbot, marketing: 520.5

Turtles, biology and culture: 037, 210

Undrainable ponds, aquaculture in: 463, 735

Valliculture: 134, 163, 339

Vegetation, freshwater aquatic: 097, 137, 203, 710

Vegetation, freshwater aquatic, control: 007, 018, 097, 111, 568, 585, 605. C020

Vulgarisation: see Extension

Waste heat, aquaculture with: 038, 063, 118, 135, 137, 203

Wastewater, culture in: 020, 038, 063, 074, 084.1, 084.2, 114, 137, 203, 522, 702.5, 733, 735

Water supply, qualitative aspects: 114, 122, 135, 176, 202, 230, 231, 383, 568, 605, 640, 686.4, 734, 735. C020

Water supply, quantitative aspects: 136, 136.1, 138, 138.1, 198, 204, 211, 568, 605, 640, 734. C020

Women involvement: 330, 331, 423, 531, 731.1, 735, 737. W021

Zooplankton, culture: 580.5, 677

Zooplankton, collection of wild: 580.5

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