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Ansa-Emmim, M. 1979. Occurrence of the triggerfish, Balistes capriscus (Gmel), on the continental shelf of Ghana. In Report of the special working group on the evaluation of demersal stocks of the Ivory Coast - Zaire sector, CECAF/ECAF SERIES/79/14(En), pp. 20 - 27. FAO, Rome.

Bane, J.R., G.W. 1960. Gulf of Guinea Biological Survey. Report of the West African fisheries survey conducted jointly by the Governement of Ghana and Star-Kist Foods, Inc. of Terminal Island, California, U.S.A. StarKist Foods, Inc. Special Report, August 1960. Terminal Island; 63 pp.

Bard, F.X. and K.A. Koranteng (eds) 1995. Dynamics and Use of Sardinella Resources from Upwelling off Ghana and Ivory Coast. Proceedings of Scientific Meeting, Accra 5-8 October, 1993, Paris: ORSTOM Editions.

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Koranteng, K.A. 1981. Preliminary report on a trawling survey of demersal fish stocks in Ghanaian waters. Fisheries Research and Utilization Branch, Tema, Ghana (mimeograph).

Koranteng, K.A. 1984. A trawling Survey off Ghana, CECAF/TECH/84/63. Dakar, Senegal: CECAF Project (FAO), 72 pp.

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Mehl, S., O. Alvheim,, K.A. Koranteng and M. Tandstad 1999. Surveys of the fish resources of the Western Gulf of Guinea (Benin, Togo, Ghana & Côte d'Ivoire). Survey of the pelagic and demersal resources, 19 April - 6 May 1999. Cruise Reports R/V Dr. Fridtjof Nansen.

Mensah, M.A. and K.A. Koranteng 1988. A review of the oceanography and fisheries resources in the coastal waters of Ghana. Marine Fisheries Research Report No. 8, Fisheries Research & Utilization Branch, Tema, Ghana, 35 pp.

Pezennec, O. and K.A. Koranteng 1997. Changes in the Dynamics and Biology of Small Pelagic Fisheries off Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana - The Ecological Puzzle. Paper presented at the 1994 CEOS workshop on Global Versus Local Changes in Upwelling Systems, Monterey, California, USA.

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van der Knaap, M. 1985. Preliminary annotated inventory of the scientific expeditions and resource surveys carried out in the CECAF area. CECAF/TECH/85/64. Dakar, Senegal: CECAF Project (FAO), 145 pp.

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