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The FAO Advisory Committee on Paper and Wood Products held its forty-third session on 25-26 April 2002 in Rome. The meeting was chaired by Mr Luis Deslandes and attended by 18 members of the Committee and 42 other participants from 24 countries and 5 international organizations.

This Committee, which is a very important body to FAO, provides direct communication with the private sector and allows the Organization to ensure that its activities in the forest products sector are of relevance to the private and public forest industry. Membership consists of individual experts from all regions of the world contributing their time and expertise to the activities of the Committee. FAO acknowledges the efforts made by members to actively participate in the Committee's activities and would like to express its deep gratitude to all members.

As recommended at the previous session, the main items on the agenda were illegal logging, certification, forest and climate change and the status of the forest industries in former Comecon countries. The proceedings present the report of the meeting as well as the list of participants and agenda, followed by papers and presentations.

FAO acknowledges and thanks Committee members, advisers and partner organizations who participated in this forty-second session for investing their effort, time and financial resources to attend the session.

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