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Opening Ceremony

6. The chairperson of this session, Mr Lionel Reynal, Principal Investigator, Ifremer Antilles Station, Martinique, welcomed the participants and invited guests. In his opening remarks he expressed appreciation on behalf of his institution to the countries represented for responding to the invitation to attend the first meeting of the proposed Lesser Antilles ad hoc Working Group on the sustainable development of moored FAD fisheries. In noting the similarities between the fisheries of Martinique and the rest of the Lesser Antilles, Mr Reynal gave a historical overview of the activities that Ifremer and the fishers of the French Antilles have undertaken to establish FAD fishing. He also mentioned the planned activities that have already been budgeted, in response to the monitoring results of the past activities.

7. In referring to the published information of Curacao with respect to its FAD development, the Chairperson expressed the appreciation of his institution to learn about the experiences in other subregional islands. He noted that FAD are viewed as an option to direct fishing activities away from the near-shore areas; he also expressed the hope that the participants will note the experiences and developments of each other’s country with FAD in order to develop their FAD technology in a sustainable manner.

8. The FAO Regional Fisheries Officer welcomed the participants on behalf of the Director- General of FAO, and thanked Ifremer, the Conseil Régional, the Conseil Général and Europe (FEDER) for hosting and co-sponsoring the meeting. He advised the participants that sustainable FAD fishing was the most cost-effective way for their countries’ artisanal fishers to expand their exploitation of large pelagic species, using their existing fishing fleet. He expressed the hope their presence was an indication of the priority their countries ascribed to the development of sustainable FAD fishing. Finally, he reminded the participants that developing sustainable FAD fishing conforms to the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries.

9. The President of the Fisheries Commission of the Martinique Regional Council, welcomed the participants and invited guests on behalf of the President of his institution. He expressed the conseil’s appreciation that neighbouring countries, by their presence, signalled their willingness to cooperate in the sustainable development of FAD fishing. He noted the ongoing cooperation between the islands of Dominica and Saint Lucia and the French Departments in the Lesser Antilles in training fishers in longline fishing. He also informed the meeting of the positive results, and their plans to continue. Finally he declared the meeting officially opened, wishing them success in their deliberations.

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