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A World Review of Fishing Techniques Used in Association With Fad: Potential Interest to Lesser Antilles Countries

44. The fishing gear used around FAD depends on the type of FAD, the depth in which it is deployed, and the prevailing sea and weather conditions. If the FAD is a basic raft or buoy (Surface FAD) it may attract fish at the surface only. Another type with attracting materials/devices at several levels below the surface buoy may attract fish at different levels in the water column. It has been observed that moored FAD attracted more large specimens deeper in the water column in addition to the juveniles they attract at the surface

45. In general the fishing techniques which can be used include: handlining, longlining, pole and lining, fishing with trolling lines, gillnetting, the use of scoop nets and liftnets, and mid-water fish trap. The priority is usually to ascertain the depth at which the targeted fish species are found since this could vary with season. Initially efforts should be directed over a range of depths to test where the sizes and species of most economic interest occur.

46. Fishing on a moored FAD is usually directed up current of the FAD; the main task is to get the baited hook (s) at the desired depth as quickly as possible. Weights are sometimes used to get the bait to the desired depth. In the Pacific and Indian oceans a technique that combines a weight with chum (minced fish) is practised. Various other configurations of drifting and handlines, short horizontal and vertical longlines are also used in association with FAD fishing.

47. The advantages and disadvantages of certain fishing techniques in association to FAD were noted. For example:

48. While FAD have been experimental in the region for more than 30 years it should be noted that a key element is still to find a way of extending the life of moored FAD. Considering the raised expectation that installation of a FAD can engender, it is critical to carefully monitor fishing yields from around them, in order to document whether such yields are and can be sustained. It is also critical because there are prevailing uncertainties about the extent of the resources that are routinely targeted around the FAD.

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