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Introduction to the Sustainable Development Concept in Fisheries Management

79. For Fisheries Management to be sustainable, it has to be contemplated at the same time as the exploitation and development of a fish stock/resource; it must has to be ‘responsible’. Being responsible implies excluding all destructive practices as defined in the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. In the context of considering the sustainable development of moored FAD fishing, being ‘responsible’ means avoiding the use of gear that can easily be lost and can continue to fish (for example materials of entanglement, midwater fish traps and seines).

80. The sustainable development concept should take the unpredictability and variability of fish populations into account when designing fisheries management systems. For example the management system for moored FAD fishing should:

81. Some of the actions that should be contemplated at the outset of the sustainable development of moored FAD fishing for the large pelagic fish species are:

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