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The Lesser Antilles Ad Hoc Working Group on the Sustainable Development of Moored FAD Fishing: Function and Operation

Role of the Working Group


83. The scope of the Ad Hoc Working Group is the sustainable development of moored FAD fishing in the Lesser Antilles. In undertaking its work, the Working Group will pay due attention to the conservation and management of large pelagic fisheries in the WECAFC Region and related or interacting species or fisheries.

84. The working group will take a multidisciplinary approach to the sustainable development of moored FAD fishing for large pelagics.

The Goal of the Working Group

85. The goal of the Working Group will be to contribute to the sustainable development and management of large pelagic fisheries associated with moored FAD.

86. In pursuing this goal the Working Group will contribute to the fulfilment of national and regional responsibilities for shared pelagic fish stock management under the code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries. Particular attention will be paid to Article 8.11: “Artificial reef and fish aggregation devices”.

Terms of Reference

87. Large pelagic fish is a shared resource and therefore the Terms of Reference may apply at regional and/or national levels as appropriate.

88. The Working Group with the support of FAO, WECAFC Secretariat and Ifremer will act in an advisory capacity to guide and facilitate the sustainable development of moored FAD fishing in the Lesser Antilles.

89. Specifically, the Working Group will:

(a) Use the best available scientific information, review periodically and report on the magnitude and state of moored FAD fishing in the Lesser Antilles;

(b) Promote and facilitate national and regional monitoring and research programmes on FAD fishing, including the harmonization of methodologies;

(c) Collect data and information on moored FAD fishing which can be used for the large pelagic fisheries assessment and management in the WECAFC Region (e.g. biological, environmental, socio-economic);

(d) Review periodically the economic and social situation of the moored FAD fishing at national and regional levels;

(e) Evaluate when necessary the impact of national and regional management measures on the economic and social aspects of these fisheries;

(f) Integrate moored FAD fishing in national fisheries management plans;

(g) Formulate projects and programmes as necessary;

(h) Promote the sharing of information and expertise;

(i) Promote and coordinate acquisition of international aid in support of its activities;

(j) Promote an extensive exchange of ideas and experiences regarding moored FAD fishing, including appropriate technologies;

(k) Submit reports on its intersessional activities for consideration by the WECAFC;

(l) Organize any other relevant studies requested by the Commission.

90. Initially the group will focus its attention on the following species associated with FAD due to their importance: yellowfin tuna, wahoo, dolphinfish, bigeye tuna, albacore, bluefin tuna, marlin, swordfish, shark, kingfish, blackfin tuna, skipjack, barracuda, and triggerfish.

Mode of Operation

Role of Countries

91. The members of the Working Group will play a leading role in its activities through the following activities and commitments:

92. It is suggested that countries should commit to the activities of the Working Group for a period of five years in the first instance.

Role of FAO

93. The FAO/WECAFC Secretariat will play a supporting role in the activities of the Working Group by:

Role of Subregional Organizations (e.g. CARICOM (Caribbbean Community), OECS (Organization of Eastern Caribbean States))

94. Subregional organizations have an important role to play in assisting their member countries to participate fully in the activities of the Working Group by:


95. A mechanism for ongoing communication among Working Group members (e.g. internet) is essential to ensure that the work of the group is sustained between meetings. It must include all Working Group members.

96. The successful functioning of the Working Group also requires that each member country identify a national focal point through which communications will be directed.

97. The outputs of the Working Group will be communicated through Working Group reports to WECAFC and national fishery administrations via the Secretariat.

Working Group Meetings

98. The Working Group should meet once a year or every two years. The meetings should be of three to five days duration, and the Meetings should use cost-effective accommodations and institutional facilities.

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