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78. It was noted that there is no active fisheries management in the study area.

79. The meeting noted that existence of management protocols in other international fisheries commissions that had been developed to handle new and, or, developing fisheries - in particular those of the South East Atlantic Fisheries Organization (SEAFO) and CCAMLR. In these management regimes, procedures exist where by the expansion of new fisheries is managed (at least in theory), giving the management authority time to control harvests and develop conservation measures.

80. It was noted that orange roughy was not the only species known to have slow growth rates and high longevity - oreos, cardinal fish and ruby fish have the same characteristics, with similar implications - i.e. the sustainable harvest level of these stocks is likely to be relatively low. These species too will require careful management to ensure their sustainability as fishery resources. As alfonsinos and bluenose grow more quickly relative to orange roughy, it was noted that these species may support relatively larger sustainable fisheries though the size of fisheries for alfonsinos and bluenose would still be relatively small.

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